Ugh. I hate not knowing. Do I re-start the job hunt, or can I settle down and really get to know the people I’m working with?
Class yesterday was interesting, as it always is with Pat. Yesterday and the 23rd focus on language, not so much the content as the structure of what people are saying. NLP – neuro-linguistic programming – works with the idea that we frame our experiences with language. An event has no meaning to us until we put language to it, which then frames the event.
Over the years we’ve learned what to frame and what not to frame, or given our issues, what to incorrectly frame. Think about it: how many times do we walk down a hall and not think about that walk again? I do it many times a day, because there is no reason to put language to that walk, no experience that I need to remember it for. Now, if I meet someone in the hall that asks me about a project I’m working on, then I will remember that walk, because I remember the chat that happened during the walk and the internal dialog I had with myself about what the other person said and my responses.
Coaching language is like learning a foreign language – current English grammar and syntax do not apply, so running it through the filters for normal English language would not apply. Those filters would only confuse the issue. If I look at it and speak it as a new language, I should have a better shot at remembering and asking a good question.
Here’s an example from yesterday (and one I’ve said in my own head a few times): He doesn’t think I’m good enough. Coaching language would come back with: How do you know he doesn’t think you’re good enough? What are you good enough for? Who is he? Is anyone good enough?
You’re trying to recover lost information to get the person back to the original event. Once they are there, then the event can be re-framed with different language and the problem will go away.
The class was fun, especially when Pat gets going with some of the stuff she strings together. It’s a matter of practice and actually listening to the structure to find out what’s not being said, recovering the lost information and re-framing from there.
Practice makes permanent.
At least the weather is decent. Rode Chael to class yesterday, rode him to work today. Probably ride again tomorrow. After that, the season may be done for, as it’s supposed to snow here in MN Friday night.
At least with gas prices in the $1.99 range, I can afford to drive Taez. Last time I filled up, it was under $40 for 18 gallons of gas. That beats $70 a tank any day.
Making do...
10 years ago
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