Thursday, November 6, 2008


I didn't get the job.

Mixed feelings about it. One thought that keeps running through my head is that their opinion of me is none of my business, yet I need the feedback to know what I'm missing so I can land a job.

I'm also wondering how much of a smack this is from the Law of Attraction. I didn't focus enough on wanting and seeing myself getting the job, so I didn't get it.

I've been sitting there, bored, reading on the internet, getting paid very well for doing very little work. Everyone is out of the office next week, so I get to sit there for three days again doing practically nothing.

Job. Just Over Broke. I used to hear that all the time from certain MLM teams I was involved in. Guess what, they ain't much better.

Feedback is what a lot of things come down to. Last job was a lack of feedback, and what I did get wasn't helpful. Failure on both sides.

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