Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy b-day to me

Another year older. Yeah rah, yippy skippy, yabba dabba do.

No, I am no enthused about this day. It's another of several days during the year I'd just rather forget. Or, if I had a few things from the Harry Potter universe, then I could make it a day I'd want to remember.

Since I don't have access to those things, life goes on.

Got a few things done already this morning. Hit Target, got stuff for the trip. My personal supplies are packed - one thing done. Got the hair cut, stopped at Batteries Plus for a small flashlight that can be used for self defense - it's really bright and the face can be used as a kubaton or to support your fingers if you need to punch someone.
Then off to the grocery store and home. Clothes are sorted, so I'll do those tonight when I get home, along with the cooking.

Tomorrow has to be a work day. After a few really nasty emails to my personal box, the boss FINALLY got the message that the 850+ emails need to be dealt with. That bought us a week, so next week's removals and the Acrobat removals are now pushed back a week while I play catch up.

They boys in the support center know they need to do the EUSR's, and they are even willing to try to help with the email. I may take them up on that.

Amazingly, I've been pretty detached from the chaos. Since I talked with P about things, it doesn't matter. I do the best I can with the hours I have and screw the rest of it. The attitude shift may have something to do with the boy as well.

He's buried almost as deep as I am in the rest of the Microsoft enterprise wide true up. Like he said, he's so far behind he's running to try and catch up with himself. He's not willing to put in the overtime like I am - he's salaried - so it will just have to wait. I warn him when I'm going to be sending large chunks of little things his way so he knows and can work them into his schedule and to-do list.

We did get a bit of time Monday night. Not what I expected, most likely what I needed. That's what seems to happen when I'm trying to draw information out of him. He had several points to make. Don't attack when they aren't in your face. Stay calm when someone grabs your arm - if they pull you towards them, make use of that force to drive your elbow or fist into them. Use your body weight and what's around you.

I may have also found a place to play with my martial arts and self defense. I needed to stop at GNC because my shipment of whey protein is over a week late. As I drove by one of the strip malls in the area, I saw a window front for Crystal Fight Club. Yes, they focus on the MMA stuff, which at this point is a little too hardcore for me. But they offer Judo, which I think would play well into the rest of my self defense instruction.

Depending on the reply I get, I may go check them out. If they are open to having women, I'll offer my other skills like massage, therapeutic coaching, photography and writing.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Still here...

Another busy week.

Work got a bit more crazy than usual this week with the first of the big removals happening. Lots of chaos and a few unhappy people. Oh well.

My boss took three days off, so she was out of the office when all this happened. Actually, that was OK because it left me feeling calmer while the chaos ensued. I could work as I work best, instead of her trying to tell me what to do with what I feel are incorrect priorities.

Also had a long talk with P Tuesday night as well. That gave me some perspective on the whole details to big picture to what other people are seeing. Most people don't understand the details. I do. That means I need to translate the high points to them and be OK with the fact that they just don't get it. I do, and that's all that really matters.

My temp started on Thursday, which added to the chaos. Got her started on the Acrobat analysis. She can putter with that while I get the help from the Support Center going on processing the EUSR's. That leaves me free to deal with the now 600+ emails and the Europe and AP pushes.

The boy is now a grandpa. His daughter gave birth on Thursday to a healthy baby boy. I found his comments interesting as I ribbed him over IM about being a 'gumpa'. I wrote him that his grandson is going to give him a run for his money, and will be even more of a handful than his oldest two kids. His reply was that for this one he'll be there from the beginning. Hmmm. I suspect that story will come out eventually.

I do get some alone time with him tomorrow night, barring any more issues that arise. I asked him to give me some pointers before I go to Boston, how to handle some situations. He had booked time Friday, that went out the window with the birth. I expect we'll get some time tomorrow night.

Met with an interesting group of people yesterday. Three of us were in the same therapeutic coaching class, the other is a friend of one of the others. We're at a similar point in life, dealing with similar things. We'll get together every couple weeks to talk through things, hold each other accountable, help in between with situations as they arise.

Something I need in my life. Missing that connection, the chance to bounce ideas off someone who gets me at the level I'm at. People who won't give me the 'deer in the headlights' look when I say something because it's not over their head.

Now to go start all the chores I need to do before I go in to work, and workout. Another long day in front of me.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Another crazy week at work. Too much to do, not enough hours in the day to get it all done.

I put in 60 hours last week and it wasn't enough. My boss put me on a project that took three days. In those three days over 400 emails and almost 300 end user software requests came in. I finally got some help on Friday to get through the EUSR's, which I finished yesterday. I should have spent today going through the email, I just couldn't bring myself to even turn on the laptop.

I'm giving it all I've got and some days I feel like I'm being set up for failure again. My boss tells me I'm doing a fantastic job, yet others who are clueless feel like they can pile even more work on me. My boss got a taste of how long it takes to do email and EUSR's after I blew up in a meeting Thursday morning.

Meanwhile, plans continue for the trip to Boston. Finally booked hotel today. Now I need to look for a car rental. I'm starting to get concerned about this trip. I've talked to the boy and asked him to have his aunt call me. Have nae heard boo yet. I'm starting to get the feeling he doesn't want us to come out. Hopefully I'm wrong.

The new weight loss and muscle building plan is starting to show results. From when I started tracking my weight four weeks ago to today I've let go of nine pounds of fat and have gained almost a pound of muscle in the last week. My body doesn't show it, but the numbers do. It's a start.

I'm not liking the cooking part so much. It takes 5-6 hours over the weekend to prep and cook the food, then weight out and portion out everything. Eating 7 times a day can be a pain as well - every 2-2.5 hours I'm eating something, be it one of my protein shakes or food. Ugh. But it's working.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Overtime. Love the money, not so sure I like not having time to myself.

I've been putting in weeks of 15-20 hours of overtime since the end of January. I've got at least seven more weeks of it to go. The powers that be have mandated that the whole company has to be trued up for Project and Visio by the fiscal year end May 1.

I am so far behind, even with the overtime. I'm supposed to be getting someone to help, but what we've interviewed so far isn't going to help me. See what else the contractor system can come up with.

A trip to Boston is in the works as well. I'm taking my oldest niece out to meet her Facebook boyfriend for the first time.

Other than that, a few moments here and there to ogle the boy. He was in the wellness center the same time I was one day all hot and sweaty and the shorts - OMG, yum. Today he was in tight jeans that clung to all the right places and cowboy boots. I had a hard time not drooling or giggling.

That's my life in a nutshell right now. I'll scribble more if I can find a few moments.