Sunday, March 14, 2010


Another crazy week at work. Too much to do, not enough hours in the day to get it all done.

I put in 60 hours last week and it wasn't enough. My boss put me on a project that took three days. In those three days over 400 emails and almost 300 end user software requests came in. I finally got some help on Friday to get through the EUSR's, which I finished yesterday. I should have spent today going through the email, I just couldn't bring myself to even turn on the laptop.

I'm giving it all I've got and some days I feel like I'm being set up for failure again. My boss tells me I'm doing a fantastic job, yet others who are clueless feel like they can pile even more work on me. My boss got a taste of how long it takes to do email and EUSR's after I blew up in a meeting Thursday morning.

Meanwhile, plans continue for the trip to Boston. Finally booked hotel today. Now I need to look for a car rental. I'm starting to get concerned about this trip. I've talked to the boy and asked him to have his aunt call me. Have nae heard boo yet. I'm starting to get the feeling he doesn't want us to come out. Hopefully I'm wrong.

The new weight loss and muscle building plan is starting to show results. From when I started tracking my weight four weeks ago to today I've let go of nine pounds of fat and have gained almost a pound of muscle in the last week. My body doesn't show it, but the numbers do. It's a start.

I'm not liking the cooking part so much. It takes 5-6 hours over the weekend to prep and cook the food, then weight out and portion out everything. Eating 7 times a day can be a pain as well - every 2-2.5 hours I'm eating something, be it one of my protein shakes or food. Ugh. But it's working.

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