Monday, March 8, 2010


Overtime. Love the money, not so sure I like not having time to myself.

I've been putting in weeks of 15-20 hours of overtime since the end of January. I've got at least seven more weeks of it to go. The powers that be have mandated that the whole company has to be trued up for Project and Visio by the fiscal year end May 1.

I am so far behind, even with the overtime. I'm supposed to be getting someone to help, but what we've interviewed so far isn't going to help me. See what else the contractor system can come up with.

A trip to Boston is in the works as well. I'm taking my oldest niece out to meet her Facebook boyfriend for the first time.

Other than that, a few moments here and there to ogle the boy. He was in the wellness center the same time I was one day all hot and sweaty and the shorts - OMG, yum. Today he was in tight jeans that clung to all the right places and cowboy boots. I had a hard time not drooling or giggling.

That's my life in a nutshell right now. I'll scribble more if I can find a few moments.

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