Got back into cleaning today. Put my bookshelf back together, then started sorting a couple of baskets and a box of stuff into the proper file boxes. I've got two smaller file boxes to sort through, get those done tomorrow, along with more shredding.
The rest of my copywriting kit showed up yesterday afternoon. They sent me the first part that I already have, as well as the second part. Oh well, put that part into another binder for later use.
As I sorted and put away today, I was listening to the CD's that came with the feng shui kit. I heard for the second or third time to document the changes I make so I can see how long it takes for them to start working. I printed off the transformation diary I'd scanned in, so I went back through here to note when I did what.
Changes can take a multiple of 9 to kick in: 9 hours, days, weeks, months, even years. I'm hoping the changes have been enough to get things to move in 9 days. Not sure I can wait 9 weeks.
Things I've done, besides cleaning here in the office, include putting up a crystal between my stove and sink so the fire and water don't clash in my kitchen (mental note about that for when I build my house). I tossed the boxes that my stand mixer came in that have been sitting in my doorway for almost a year. Multiple trips to the dumpster and recycling bins.
After I finish up in here, I'll tackle the dining room table next. That's my next biggest stockpile of statements, receipts, etc. Get that cleared off, go through my fabric to see if I have anything to make placemats out of. Perhaps, if I permanently set my table for eating only, I won't be so likely to put other stuff on it.
Then, when I get the desk in the living room cleaned off, I can make that my bill paying area. I'll have to check the direction, that may not work. Lots to consider after I clean that off and out. Maybe I'll put it on Craig's List or Freecycle and get rid of it. Keep only what I need.
New moon tomorrow. Good time for manifesting and making my desires known. This is what I want, Universe.
Making do...
10 years ago
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