Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted. Did you?

I am so glad this political season is finally over. I have had it with the ads, the continuing news coverage. I’m to the point where I don’t care anymore about what happens, I just want this DONE with.

To say that I’m sick of politics and the political process in this country is an understatement. The negative ads, the mud slinging… What if politicians were limited only to touting their own agendas? Tell me why I should vote for you, what difference do you think you can make? What are your actual views, stands, agendas? Leave the mud slinging to the national committees.

And no, I will not be going into politics myself. I have too many skeletons and ghosts (literal and figuratively) in my closet to even consider it. I don’t consider myself to be that much of a lowlife, thank you.

Other than that, been thinking more about what Pat said on Sunday about contracts between partners. She’s talking in the sense of personal partnerships, be it between married couples, significant others, however you want to explain long term committed relationships between two people, including friendships.

Couples, married or not, awake or not, seem to think that once the commitment has been made, you’re done. Not. During class, Pat stated that the contract between the two needs to be re-negotiated on a regular basis, at least yearly or at every major life-changing event (birth, new job, new house, going back to school, major illness/injury, other life altering interruptions). What are the values and beliefs? Is what we are currently doing sustainable during and after this change, or do current structures, habits, time schedules, goals, etc need to be evaluated in light of this?

Granted, I’m not in a relationship that has that kind of impact on me. It’s just me and the cats I need to worry about. That said, I do want a relationship in my life.

Having thought about that relationship, one of the first things that popped into my head was negotiating ahead of time how we would deal with conflict. Do we keep a mutual journal of things that irritate us about each other so we can express it and deal with it so it doesn’t blow up? Can we agree to some rules about how we deal with big issues so we don’t end up in a screaming match? Makeup sex not withstanding, I frankly do not ever want to get into the fights my parents did on a regular basis. If I ever have kids (you know that’s a bitter cold day in hell) I don’t want them to deal with the fallout or feel like they have to get between us to stop a physical fight.

Can I construct a relationship that has little to no conflict to begin with?


So, here I sit at work with not a whole lot of business work to do. I’ve been reading articles on the copywriting website, getting things printed out that I need to read through.

I feel a cleaning rampage coming on for this weekend. If I am truly going to commit myself to becoming a copywriter, then using that skill to create other sources of revenue, I need to clean out my office. Yes, I’ve said before that I needed to do it, just have not done it. This weekend is it. The entire house is going to be in disarray for a couple days, oh well.

Clean off the floor so I have space to move. Then move the desk to my feng shui proper spot so the energy flows. Arrange everything else around the desk so it makes organized sense to me. Clean out the closet so what needs to be in there can be, the rest gets hauled out for junk or off to ARC.

Oh, and hit the Edge Life expo this weekend. I want to go see what people are up to, see if there is anyone I know or need to know about. Also a good time to pick up marketing material for my swipe file and to market to later.

As for the job… well, I’m going to presume that I didn’t get it. It’s their loss. Some company out there needs my skills and brain for a year or two while I get other things pulled together. Meanwhile, I’ll leave this position in a better place then when I got it, with the right info at the right place so they aren’t stumbling around blind when they get here. And if I did get it, then I can focus on what I really need to do.

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