Thursday, November 13, 2008


I like Dr. R, and sometimes he's a pain. In this case, literally.

There are lots of things going on that are influencing what's going on in my body, above what I'm doing to it and putting into it. The grand cosmic scale of things changing is tweaking what's going on in my head and hence my body.

Me being so tired is a result of the exercising I'm doing releasing toxins back into my body. The brain fog is part of that, so he recommended SAM-e to help with that. I probably better do a liver cleanse as well here, soon, along with hitting Present Moment for the kidney cleanse herbs as well. Get the liver functioning better, clean out the gut, clean out the kidneys, the whole system works better.

Body is also inflamed again. Partially due to the wheat I've been consuming, part due to the exercising. I brought in a bottle of Intenzyme Forte to Dr. R, it tests very strong for me, so I had the office order me a 500 count bottle. I also stopped and got 2-100 count bottles from my dentist while I was out, cause I need to take 6 a day - three with meals, three on an empty stomach along with the homeopathic Arnica to take out the inflammation.

The inflammation is what's causing the pain, along with really tight hamstrings and hips. My body is shifting out of the homeostasis it's been in, doesn't know what to do. Patience and awareness, being kind to myself, staying away from the foods that hurt me.

That said... I was so hungry last night on the way home I stopped at Taco Bell and got a chalupa/hard shell combo. Wheat and corn together. Surprisingly, I'm not near as painful as I thought I would be. One is probably masking the other.

While I was running through Whole Foods to get supplements and a few groceries, I was looking at natural or organic based moisturizers. I'm about out of hand/body lotion, and I need something different for my face. Found something that will work for the body, no joy on face. Keep looking. Time to keep the chemicals off and out of the body.

Got an interesting surprise yesterday morning. One of the gals in the office brought me a thank you card. The entire group in the row I was in signed it. Also in there were two $10 gift checks.
That's the first time I've gotten a thank you card for being a temp.

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