Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Maintenance guy was here today switching out the shut off valve. What should have been a couple hour project turned into an all day fiasco, leaving me with wet carpets in both the office and living room, plus needing to clean up after him. I'll drag the carpet cleaner in tomorrow.

I did get more cleaning done today. Worded on the desk and the boxes beside the desk, along with cleaning the glass shelves above my couch. Lots of what was on the shelves is now in the ARC pile. Time to bless this stuff and let it go.

In the sorting and recycling, I found the rest of the parts for my iPod vehicle adapter, the repair manuals for my bike and truck, and a whole mess more of shredding to do. Several trips to the garbage and recycling bins were made, with more to be done.

I am tired. Would have been interesting to wear a pedometer today to see how many steps I took going back and forth between places.

Perhaps photos tomorrow. Time for supper.

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