Thursday, December 4, 2008


As noted previously, I've been re-reading Conversations with God volume 1 again, when I've needed a break from the cleaning.

Thanking ahead, claiming in 'I am' statements got my attention last night. According to Walsch, the masters knew that to thank ahead for what they wanted by thinking it, saying it out loud, and taking action on those thoughts was what produced the reality they were seeking.

In particular, as Walsch was writing, he, too, lost his job, and was wondering how he was going to take care of his family with no income. God's reply was that he had left the job mentally and emotionally long before he physically lost the job.
Ouch. Yes, I had said in my own head I was so done with that job, and I made it so. In recognizing that, I also have the power to make the next job happen. It's been a matter of wanting it, claiming it in my head, then stating it out loud for the Universe to notice.

When I was out and about yesterday, several times out loud I created my story about getting a job that met my work values, my work pleased my boss and co-workers, it met my money requirements, left me with plenty of energy at the end of the day so I could come home and work on the copywriting to learn how, then to work on jobs I pick up. I embellished the copywriting part of it, that it was easy to do, the learning came easy, I could offer customers full service from writing copy to taking the photos to laying the piece out and finding a printer for them. I did the first couple contracts while still on the job full time. I put away the money I made on those to be able to pay myself a salary once I quit the job. I was half way into the second contract when I lined up the contracts for three, four and five. With those lined up, I started the transition out of the job and into the copywriting full time.

When I got home, I continued to repeat the story out loud. Then I read the 'I am' part, and started to understand. About 4 pm yesterday I got a call from one of my temp agencies that wanted to put me up for a 2-3 week gig while a department transitions from one admin to another. See what happens with that. It's the first call I've gotten in four weeks. I'm ready to go back to the job now, please.

That's the other key. I did not say, until yesterday, that I was ready to go back to a job. I've been working this whole last four weeks on my own stuff, but I didn't say, out loud, that I was ready to go back to a job. When I did, the Universe noticed.

I know I can manifest stuff and relatively quickly. Taez is just one example. The last job was also an example, with a reminder to be careful what you wish for. I think this time I've set better boundaries about the job and the people I expect to work with. And frankly, the company culture where I would like to have a job at is a complete opposite of the last - they didn't get to be a $13 billion (yes, billion) a year company by playing small. Their values and beliefs about human life and potential are in line with mine, and I know I can easily fit in with the people there.

Besides, with all the cleaning and space clearing I've done in my helpful people & travel, career and knowledge & wisdom areas, something can start moving.

I have started PhotoReading my copywriting materials. I did the paraliminal yesterday, then Photoflipped the manual for general information and to open the file. Today I Photoflipped for more specific information, re-enforcing what I did yesterday. Then I briefly re-read the PhotoReading book, because I knew I was forgetting a couple steps.

I know PhotoReading works, I saw it when I took the class a couple years ago. Perhaps when Paul teaches it in March I can take it again for a discounted rate. Refresh my memory, even though I have the PhotoReading kit from Learning Strategies.

Off to PhotoRead some of the supplementary copywriting material I have picked up over the last couple months.

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