Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So, I get a call today from the HR gal. Would I please, please at least talk to the group informally, because they really want to meet me. Yes, I will meet with them. Got a call from one of them this afternoon, I'm sitting down with her at the in house Caribou at 9 tomorrow morning. I'll meet with the rest of them next week.

If I get the offer, what do I do? Yes, it's early in the project, I've gotten a lot done that would leave someone else in good shape. I'm not one to leave a job hanging, which I feel I would be doing if I left this far into it.

I'm wondering if a compromise could be reached: I would put in 4 days for the IT group I'm working with and one day a week with the new group. Be on two different payrolls. If the tech comm group likes my work, I'll stay after I'm done with this current assignment.

I'm trying to find options that work for everyone and be a bit selfish for me at the same time. Putting in 36 hours for the temp company and another 8-9 for the tech comm group would financially help me. If tech comm needs more hours, I'll find a way. It is a short term thing - I've already put in two weeks on my 20 week contract.

I've done two full time jobs at the same time before. I overlapped between CM and Home Depot for three years, two of them at full time for both. It damn near killed me, because I didn't see an end in sight. This would be different, because I know come April 24, the temp job is done.

For now, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, if I get to it.
I crashed early last night. I was falling asleep in my chair between 8 & 9, so I just trucked off to bed.

Got a comment tonight as I was waiting for the elevators about looking wiped out. You try having your head in Excel all day, going through one list of 300 known licenses vs 500+ people using the products. Go through, double check, make sure I got them all, note which ones don't fit in anywhere.

There are going to be some crabby people as this rolls out. They have one license for sure, but not for both, so they either have to pay up or lose it. We debated yesterday in our meeting about the wisdom of going to concurrent licenses on a Citrix box with a terminal server. That may be one option, especially with the company being forced into going to corporate Vista.

Have I told you lately how much I hate Microsoft? Windows especially, since it's a blatant rip off of the Apple GUI (graphic user interface) that was out long before Windows 95 came out.
Snagged the party room for the clan get together on Saturday. Not quite sure what we're going to do, as there's no TV in there, unless someone wants to go rent one for the Wii.

Eat, drink, be merry, enjoy the company. We'll figure something out.

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