Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It's late, I'm climbing into bed as soon as I'm done with this.

Work continues to be easy. The day flew by as I got my head into the data and started pulling things apart. This is the kind of work I like to do, if I'm not writing, that is.

I need to come up with a better way to do my sleeve extender. I'll probably wait until this weekend to really pull it together. For now, a square of fleece stuck up my sleeve that extends over my hand works fine. Warm hands mean working hands.

Raini likes having the heating pad in her crate. She's been napping in there several times. Shad's even tried it.

Temp in the house is better today. The fact that it's almost 20 degrees warmer outside may have something to do with that.

Time for bed. G'night.

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