Thursday, October 16, 2008


No, I didn't flub anything at work.

What I did forget to do yesterday was give you my one-month exercise update. As of yesterday I have let go of 5 pounds and my BMI is down from 46.93 to 46.69. My overall body fat percentage is also down 1/10%.

No, those aren't huge losses. Considering the self-sabotage of several hundred extra calories in chocolate and ice cream bars I had during the month, I'm glad I let go of any weight.

Self-sabotage... grocery shopping when hungry can lead to buying about $15 worth of stuff I didn't need and that are not good for me. So what's at the heart of the sabotage? Well, I suspect it has something to do with some old tapes still running in my head about not being good enough, who do I think I am in trying to change myself? I would also suspect there is some underlying fear as well about what changes in my life as I let go of the weight.

For me, my weight has been armor, a protection from unwanted attention. So now that my sub and unconscious minds are noticing that I'm serious about letting go of the armor, they are throwing up every reason they can to stop me. Need to work on that in a non-meditative manner, cause it's too easy for my head to lose track of where I'm going with my thought process as I sink through the beta, delta and theta brain waves.

On another note, came across a website some of you might find interesting. It's called Changing Course. The coach behind the website actually recommends the copywriting course I want to take. So, I need to call them during the day tomorrow and confirm that you can start out with the monthly payment, and if you get some extra money in you can pay off the rest and get the rest of the course. If that's the case, I'm so doing it.

The copywriting course is supposed to be 10 months long. I intend to rip through it as fast as I can. The sooner I get through it, the sooner I'm earning money. And yes, I'll keep you updated on how things actually go, so if you're ready to quit the j-o-b or want to do it part time to make some extra cash, you know if it's worth it or not.

BTW, my interview for the position I'm temping for is October 28, to take most of the day. I'm sending lots of good energy to that day for me already.

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