Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First day

This is going to be an interesting group to work with. It's not only the 12 engineers I was told about, there's about 50 of them in the group.

To make things even more interesting, IT couldn't spell my name correctly. Instead of being kopitb1, my login was koptib1, and they spelled my last name wrong in email as well. Had to call the Helpless desk to get that fixed. Possibly tomorrow I'll have a correct login and email name.
And I thought my previous job's help desk was a disaster, except for field tech and KG.

Everyone was very happy to see me. The manager was amazed I was already there today, and he's asked me to set up a 1:1 when he gets back from vacation the 24th so we can talk more about the position.

The gal I'm replacing is staying with the company. She moved to one of the other positions I had applied for six weeks ago, so now her position is up for grabs. What's good for her is good for me.

So, that's my first day with the engineers. See how tomorrow goes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay. Paychecks. Woohoo!