So, managed to get my butt moving for the second day in a row. I'm taking it easy to start with by bouncing/walking on my rebounder. Slow for three minutes to warm up, six minutes of a faster pace and moving my arms, three minutes of cool down.
I'll do this routine for a couple weeks so the body realizes this is a long term thing. I'm making this public so that I'm accountable to those of you who do check up on me. I'll even go so far as to give you my current BMI, which is 44 and a fat ratio of 57.5%. I'll spare you the details cause frankly, now that I look at it, I'm somewhat horrified. When I get below 200 pounds, then I'll give you weights and measurements on a monthly basis.
Yes, once a month I will give you an update as to how I'm doing with this. I'm tracking it on the Wii Fit, which is giving me the BMI and weight, and on my digital scale, which is giving me the fat percentage. I'm giving myself a year to drop the weight, if it happens faster than that I'll be pleased.
I'm working with a program called PACE, based on what weight lifters and others know, which is cardio, as we know it, does not work. PACE looks at and uses what humans did before we settled into communities - we were hunters that at times needed to sprint in order to either get what we wanted to eat or to avoid being lunch ourselves. Weight lifters have long known that traditional cardio destroys muscle mass, not build it. Several well known runners have had heart attacks during or shortly after running long distances because the body is not designed to handle that.
If you like, I will email you the PDF of the program, which is 1.8 megs. Take a look and try it for yourself. At this point, I have everything to gain by letting go of what I no longer need.
That includes another trip to ARC. I'm finding more things to go bye bye. A spring driven food scale, more clothes, other stuff I just have no need or room for. I'll make that trip tomorrow when I go see Dr. R.
When I was going to work Friday morning, I hit a bump really hard on Chael. I wasn't sitting up straight, and I immediately felt a pain in my back. Between monitoring traffic, I tested my toes to make sure I still had feeling and movement in them. Pain went away during the day cause I was busy thinking about and doing other things. Saturday night I laid down on the floor to do some stretches. My back popped above where it hurt on Friday, hurt a bit and the stomach rebelled. Finally got up, went to bed, felt fine yesterday. Today I reached up to stretch and it's painful enough that I can feel my muscles going into guard position to keep the area from moving.
Of course, Dr. M is full today and Dr. R is off. So I've got an appointment w/ Dr. R at 10:30 tomorrow to see what is going on. Hopefully he can coax things into proper alignment and I be good the rest of the day so it stays that way.
Talked to my agency this morning, they've got me out for everything they have open. I've been looking at what's available on Star, applied for a couple. Most are not in my price range given the experience they are looking for. I'll keep looking, keep testing, see what else is available. I suppose I should go check out and update my Monster account as well.
There's a Strib job fair tomorrow from 11 to 4 at the Earle Brown Center. Think I'll go check it out. Even if I get a quick interview or two out of it and nothing more, it's practice for when I get a 'real' interview. This is a numbers game - the more numbers I get out there, the better my chances.
I know the right job that meets my job values is out there. Somehow, some way, we will cross paths.
To that end, I finally, Finally, started my vision boards last night. Took the two pages of pictures I had printed out, taped some construction paper in the right colors together, and started taping. Why tape? Cause my glue stick lost its stuck. Use what you got, so tape it is.
I did break down and buy the new printer yesterday. I need to search for more photos and print them out. ;-)
Flipped through some magazines, catalogs and other stuff I had around, found a few more pictures of stuff I wanted to use. There's a poster website I need to look at for romantic pictures for my love and marriage board. My health and family board needs more pix of families and people doing healthy things.
My wealth and prosperity board needs more 'stuff' on it - what can I do with the incoming wealth? I want to travel, explore, do. I want to put the money, that energy, to a good use, above and beyond bringing me and my loved ones pleasure, fun, the ability to buy whatever we want. How can I use it to help others help themselves?
Something will pop. Get those finished, set up the fountain and pieces of indigo and red cloth in my wealth corner along with other things I have that signify wealth to me, see what the Universe does.
So, lunchtime is about over, back to the real work of the day of hunting for jobs. More like holding the thought that my right job is about to come into my life and be what I was looking for and more.
Making do...
10 years ago
1 comment:
Way to go! I haven't done much with my rebounder; 4 pregnancies are a little hard on the bladder. Changing jobs has helped me. I don't move as much but I'm also not constantly around food...
I like the accountability thing. I should do it for housework.
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