Couple of interesting nuggets have shown up in my inbox the last couple days, thought I'd share.
So, most of you know I've had ongoing issues with procrastination. This morning this shows up in my inbox: Procrastination is NOT a sign of laziness, cowardice or unworthiness. Procrastination is the natural result of using fear and guilt as primary motivators.
That comes from a weekly e-coaching email from Brian Whetten. He goes on to say that "Procrastination happens because our body-mind has learned to be afraid of certain activities – and so when we think about engaging in those tasks, it shuts down our motivation or tries to distract our attention... However, the most common cause of procrastination is our addiction to negative motivators – it comes from our habits of using fear and guilt to try and push ourselves towards success."
He goes on to say that this is like trying to use a cattle prod to motivate, which produces pain, and our natural reaction to pain is to move away from it. He doesn't say how to change the motivation, but I think it in part comes down to the Law of Attraction. Move towards what you want, keep it uppermost in your mind, focus your attention on it, take action to make it happen. When the opportunity falls in your lap, take advantage of it.
The other came in September 11th's issue of I Believe God Wants You To Know by Neale Donald Walsch. His theme for the day was not to remember the violence of that day, but to work on healing every wound that caused it.
"There is one question that no one will ask of those who use violence to make their point: What hurts you so bad that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?"
I'd been wondering about violence in general. Kept coming up in my meditation that I was on the receiving end of violence. I'd change thoughts ASAP and not put any feeling into it because I choose not to vibrate slow enough to attract that into my life.
When that came through, there was the answer to my question. It's a question we need to be asking ourselves when we act out in violence, what we need to ask others when they act out. What pain is driving them to cause others pain?
I was watching Oprah on Monday and the topic was on child porn and the people who hurt children to perpetuate it. There's a bill in Congress right now to give more money to law enforcement to find and stop these guys. The software is out there to track them and stop them. Law enforcement just doesn't have enough money and resources to go after these guys, stop them and get them the help to stop their pain that causes them to do what they do.
Go watch the segments from Monday's show. If you are disgusted by what you see and the comments from predators, do something about it. Do what she suggests.
If the federal government can spend $10 Billion a month on the war and another trillion on this financial fiasco the country is in, then we can easily spend a billion on helping law enforcement stop predators from hurting kids.
Making do...
10 years ago
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