Sunday, September 14, 2008


Moving, indeed. My body, not my home.

Since other things seem to be starting over, figured it was time to start over with the exercise program. I bought the Wii and the Wii fit, I've got a rebounder trampoline, might as well get with it.

I've done the usual Sunday stuff so far: washed dishes, washed clothes, did some pick up and put away, found a few more things to donate and get out of my house.

Also been debating about a printer. Office Depot and HP have the Color Laserjet 3600 on sale, half price of $249 vs $500. The 2500L is 5 years old and I suspect repairing it would cost more than buying the 3600. Decisions, decisions.

Couple other things I wanted to point out. Coming up September 24-October 15 Mercury is going retrograde again. Last time it happened was the whole month of June. I think you remember what happened in June, could very likely again happen. Be very careful of what you say - think before you speak is cliche and very appropriate for this time period. Don't sign contracts if you don't have to, and if you do, go through them with a fine tooth comb and delay if you can until after October 16.

There was something else floating through my head, not remembering at the moment. I'll come back and edit when I do remember.

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