Hmm. Three weeks, possibly four at this job. The gal I'm covering for had surgery this morning, so depending on how fast she heals will determine when I'm done.
Hopefully things will pick up. Turns out one of the admins I'm working with is helping the chair of the annual conference the company holds. Since I helped with this conference two years ago, I offered to help in any way I can. They were delighted to hear that I had made the plasma ads, written stories, done the photography, etc for the event. See if they take me up on it.
Also got in contact with a couple of the people I worked with previously. They were happy to see I was back, even if for just a couple weeks. I'm going to see them next Wednesday for lunch to catch up and see how they are doing.
The department was devestated earlier this year. Their director was laid off and six of the other 14 people were either laid off or moved out of the department. Unbelievable. The powers that be expect this department to run an internal science convention with less people, hoping that more volunteers will step up to help with the load.
It will be an interesting to see how lunch goes next week.
The commute there and back was about the same length the last one was. I'm grateful it's on the opposite end of the cities, north side of 35W rather than south.
Thinking of being grateful... For a couple weeks I've been writing down nine items I'm grateful for most every night (there's been a couple nights I've been too tired to think, let alone write).
Last night the good old Law of Attraction gently knocked on my noggin while I was trying to go to sleep. If I'm grateful for things I don't yet have, they are more likely to come to me faster.
As the Secret put it, what you think about and thank about, you bring about.
So, as I was trying to get my head to shut down last night, I pictured myself meeting up with some former associates in about a year or so. I told them about the great job, that it met all my values, my boss and their boss were very pleased with the work I was doing, etc. I had Quantum Touch classes going, a new man that made me smile till my face hurt and my heart sang. I kept that in my head until the body gave up and I went to sleep. I was still grooving on that fantasy when I woke up this morning.
I know I can manifest things pretty quickly when I put myself into the right frame of mind. Time to be thankful and relieved about all the great stuff coming into my life.
Making do...
10 years ago
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