Woke up with a dream this morning. Not often, lately, that I remember what I dream about. This one was loaded with symbols and meaning.
I was at my sister's home helping prepare for a wedding. The dinner was going to be held in a tent that had polycarbonate walls so you could see outside, yet be protected from the weather. I was finishing up the place settings when my sister reminded me it was time to get dressed. This was several hours before the event. I went up to my room, looked through my clothes, didn't like what I'd brought with, so I decided to go shopping downtown. Parked the car, ran across, started looking, then realized I needed to move the car.
I went out, then realized that I had walked through an unusual loading dock. The dock, instead of being the usual 4-6 feet up, was more like 30 feet off the ground. Where I was walking was diamond plate that was maybe 2 feet wide with a 30 degree tilt. I flitted through the first bay only to stop in the middle of the second in a panic attack, curled up in a fetal ball. I realized I could pick myself up and keep going or stay curled up and fall. I got up, got going, moved the car. From there I found a fabulous tiered black gauze skirt and a crisp white blouse, bought them, got back to the wedding in plenty of time.
In real life, yes, I'm standing on that middle loading dock going what the hell am I doing here? I know I'll get to the other side and it will be fabulous. I just need to stand up and move.
In part, this dream could have been prompted by me looking through the Pyramid Collection catalog. I was contemplating a couple of the dresses for McK's wedding and whether or not I should spend the money or wear what I have.
In some ways its also a reminder for me about the unseen support I have. The Universe got me out of a situation that was no longer supporting me and in some ways was hurting me. My attitude was affecting my cats, leaving Shadow to pee all over the house as a visible and smelly sign of how pissed off I was. Since I've been home, Shadow has not peed outside the box. In fact, I actually caught her using the box yesterday. I made sure to feel happy and tell her thank you.
Our pets are such indicators of where we are at with our lives. Looking back, Raini's urinary tract infection should have been a clear indicator, along with Shad's peeing all over the house. I've watched other people's pets do their best to help their humans bear their burdens. I'm human, I missed the signs in my own because I was so caught up in what was going on and didn't take a step back to see the bigger picture.
Sometimes you need to be an observer in your own life, not just a participant. The shift from the first to second or third positions can bring a perspective you wouldn't otherwise be aware of.
Like following your intuitive hits. Whether you name them gut feelings, hunches, that knowing, you just need to follow them. Some might say intuitive hits are guidance from our guardian angels/guides/spirits. Others might say that since your brain is taking in between 5-20 million bits of information per second that your unconscious and subconscious minds put everything together and presented it to your conscious mind as an intuitive hit.
Doesn't matter how you got the info, just be sure to recognize it for what it is, honor it for it's truth as it relates to you, and act on it.
I didn't act on an intuitive hit I received in February about getting out, or remember that August hung over me for a reason. Had I stepped back and gotten some perspective...
What is, is. Time to stay in the present moment and move forwards.
When I get to my other computer, I'll post some pictures of my cats, so you know who's who.
Making do...
10 years ago
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