Thursday, August 28, 2008

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

Yes, I was at the last night of the Star Wars exhibit at the Science Museum last night. Long night, indeed.

I met up with Jones clan about 8 last night, went through the exhibit. Having been entranced with Star Wars since A New Hope came out in 1977, I was a happy girl to see the costumes and props up close. I was really happy to see the Jedi cloaks, how they had seamed them, covered the neck seams where the hoods attach, etc.
Why? cause... my winter coat and rain cloak are based on the Jedi design. I sewed both of them myself, with some help from a former friend and her serger sewing machine. The rain cloak needs some tweaks yet, how to close it when it's pouring out like it did last night coming home. I need to lengthen the sleeves on the winter cloak - the material is there, I just tucked in two inches of length I shouldn't have. Easy enough fix if I take the time to do it.

On to the rest of the exhibit. I loved seeing the models of the Falcon and the other ships up close. The detail work they put into the models was fantastic. Things like chipped paint, dents and dings, scorch marks. Good stuff.

From there we watched the droid show, showing how current technology hasn't quite caught up with R2D2 and C3PO yet. That's a whole 'nother post about artificial intelligence, what happens if it becomes intelligent enough to be self-aware, and the whole Terminator/Butlerian Jihad ideas of machines taking over and enslaving/eliminating the humans.

Finally we got into the Omni Theatre to watch the special effects show. I forgot how big that screen is... Technical difficulties gave us a 10 minute nap before the show wrapped up.

By the time we got out, it was POURING! Piled the clan into my not-so-clean truck, found their car in a surface lot and headed home. By the time my head hit the pillow, it was 12:20, and 4:30 came really fast.

So, I'm here at work, slightly bored. The VP is in Germany, the rest of the department hasn't come up with much for me to do. I figured I'd rip off a quick post to let you know I'm still here.

Tonight will be another late night. G and Thing 3 are singing in the talent show tonight at the State Fair, so I have to go see that. I have no idea of what time I'll get home, so I'll post something tomorrow. It may not be too coherent, given the amount of sleep I'll get.

No sleeping in Saturday morning, either. I've decided my resume needs an overhaul, so I'm going to meet with a professional resume writer to have her get me up to speed. I've been using the same basic format since I graduated from college in 1990, so yeah, I need to get into the 21st century with that. It will cost me somewhere between $125 to $375 to have her do it. I figure it's an investment in myself and my career.


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