Sunday, August 31, 2008

Something to think about

Not much up to writing tonight. So I figured I'd paste this over from an email I got.

A study on Friendship Among Women by Gale Berkowitz

A landmark UCLA study suggest friendships between women are special. They shape who we are and who we are yet to be. They soothe our tumultuous inner world, fill the emotional gaps in our marriage and help us remember who we really are. By the way, they may do even more.

Scientists now suspect that hanging out with our friends can actually counteract the kind of stomach-quivering stress most of us experience on a daily basis. The UCLA study suggest that women respond to stress with a cascade of brain chemicals that cause us to make and maintain friendships with other women.

It's a stunning find that has turned five decades of stress research, most of it on men, upside down. Until this study was published, scientists generally believed that when people experience stress, they trigger a hormonal cascade that revs the body to either stand and fight or flee as fast as possible, explains Laura Cousin Klein, Ph.D., now an Assistant Professor of Bio-Behavioral Health at Penn State University and one of the study's authors. It's an ancient survival mechanism left over from the time we were chased across the planet by saber-toothed tigers.

Now the researchers suspect that women have a larger behavioral repertoire than just fight or flight. In fact, says Dr. Klein, it seems that when the hormone Oxytocin is released as part of the stress responses in a woman, it buffers the fight or flight response and encourages her to tend children and gather with other women instead. When she actually engages in this tending or befriending, studies suggest that more Oxytocin is released, which further counters stress and produces a calming effect. This calming response does not occur in men, says Dr. Klein, because testosterone which men produce in high levels when they're under stress seems to reduce the effects of Oxytocin. Estrogen, she adds, seems to enhance it.

The discovery that women respond to stress differently than men was made in a classic 'aha' moment shared by two women scientists who were talking one day in a lab at UCLA. There was this joke that when the women who worked in the lab were stressed, they came in, cleaned the lab, had coffee and bonded, says Dr. Klein. When the men were stressed, they holed up somewhere on their own.

I commented one day to fellow researcher Shelley Taylor that nearly 90 percent of the stress research is on males. I showed her the data from my lab, and the two of us knew instantly that we were onto something.
The women cleared their schedules and started meeting with one scientist after another from various research specialties. Very quickly, Drs. Klein and Taylor discovered that by not including women in stress research, scientists had made a huge mistake. The fact that women respond to stress differently than men has significant implications for our health. It may take some time for new studies to reveal all the ways that Oxytocin encourages us to care for children and hang out with other women, but the 'tend and befriend' notion developed by Drs. Klein and Taylor may explain why women consistently outlive men.

Study after study has found that social ties reduce our risk of disease by lowering blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol.

There's no doubt, says Dr. Klein, that friends are helping us live longer.

In one study, for example, researchers found that people who had no friends increase their risk of death over a six-month period. In another study, those who had the most friends over a nine-year period cut their risk of death by more than 60 percent.

Friends are also helping us live better. The famed Nurses Health Study from Harvard Medical School found that the more friends women had, the less likely they were to develop physical impairments as they aged, and the more likely they were to be leading a joyful life. In fact, the results were so significant, the researchers concluded, that not having close friends or confidants was a detrimental to your health as smoking or carrying extra weight!

And that's not all! When the researchers looked at how well the women functioned after the death of their spouse, they found that even in the face of this biggest stressor of all, those women who had a close friend and confidant were more likely to survive the experience without any new physical impairments or permanent loss of vitality. Those without friends were not always so fortunate.

Yet if friends counter the stress that seems to swallow up so much of our life these days, if they keep us healthy and even add years to our life, why is it so hard to find time to be with them? That's a question that also troubles researcher Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D., co-author of Best Friends: The Pleasure and Perils of Girls and Women's Friendships (Three Rivers Press, 1998).

Every time we get overly busy with work and family, the first thing we do is let go of friendships with other women, explains Dr. Josselson. We push them right to the back burner. That's really a mistake because women are such a source of strength to each other. We nurture one another. And we need to have unpressured space in which we can do the special kind of talk that women do when they're with other women. Its a very healing experience.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Some days it seems the body just needs to revolt against the status quo. Just as I was getting ready to leave for my resume appointment, the gut decides this isn't the day to go for a ride.

I called the gal, told her the circumstances, told her I'd send her what I already had done. We set an appointment for Tuesday night after work.

Not sure what's up with today. Something just feels off. Can't give you any more information than that. My intuition isn't giving me any specific information, just general unease.

Tomorrow's my usual work day. Wash clothes, dishes, the cat's food and water dishes, find McK's wedding invite so I can plot my course and time for that next week. Need to make more yogurt as well. Should probably do some cooking, veggie prep for next week, etc.

Friday, August 29, 2008

La la la...

Last night was the run to the State Fair to hear the Jones clan sing. Thing 3 sang Taylor Swift's 'Our Song' and G sang something by Casting Crowns (don't remember the title, not much into Christian music).

The talent was amazing. Some of the kids in the pre-teen category had great voices. Others overcame physical disability and did very well. The open category was good as well. They guy who won wrote the song, recorded his own back track - played every instrument, then played guitar live in front of it. It was obvious right away that he won the night.

The winners from each night will go on to Saturday night's semi-finals, then to Sunday night's finals if they do well.

G's mom drove up from Luverne yesterday to see them sing. Turns out we both parked in the same free park and ride lot. Universe was working on that one, because G's mom didn't feel comfortable going back to her car in a dark lot by herself. I just so picked that one cause it looked like a straight shot to the fairgrounds. Thankfully, it was a well lit lot, until another one we dropped people off that was almost not lit, unless you were wise enough to have a flashlight with (which I did).

Home by 10 on the nose, when I pulled into the garage. Amazing what an extra two hours of sleep and an extra REM cycle will do for you.

So today I rode Chael to work. It was nice to be back on the bike again. The parking ramp has a section right up front for motorcycles, so I pulled right in. Sweet.
However, I'm not taking 35W home tonight. Too bumpy, since the patches and crack repair have settled down faster than the rest of the road surface. I'll take 85th over to Central, drop down to 694 that way. Yes, it's a little longer to get home, less bumpy.

I suppose, back to work. No one else is in yet, so it's been peaceful. I like that.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

Yes, I was at the last night of the Star Wars exhibit at the Science Museum last night. Long night, indeed.

I met up with Jones clan about 8 last night, went through the exhibit. Having been entranced with Star Wars since A New Hope came out in 1977, I was a happy girl to see the costumes and props up close. I was really happy to see the Jedi cloaks, how they had seamed them, covered the neck seams where the hoods attach, etc.
Why? cause... my winter coat and rain cloak are based on the Jedi design. I sewed both of them myself, with some help from a former friend and her serger sewing machine. The rain cloak needs some tweaks yet, how to close it when it's pouring out like it did last night coming home. I need to lengthen the sleeves on the winter cloak - the material is there, I just tucked in two inches of length I shouldn't have. Easy enough fix if I take the time to do it.

On to the rest of the exhibit. I loved seeing the models of the Falcon and the other ships up close. The detail work they put into the models was fantastic. Things like chipped paint, dents and dings, scorch marks. Good stuff.

From there we watched the droid show, showing how current technology hasn't quite caught up with R2D2 and C3PO yet. That's a whole 'nother post about artificial intelligence, what happens if it becomes intelligent enough to be self-aware, and the whole Terminator/Butlerian Jihad ideas of machines taking over and enslaving/eliminating the humans.

Finally we got into the Omni Theatre to watch the special effects show. I forgot how big that screen is... Technical difficulties gave us a 10 minute nap before the show wrapped up.

By the time we got out, it was POURING! Piled the clan into my not-so-clean truck, found their car in a surface lot and headed home. By the time my head hit the pillow, it was 12:20, and 4:30 came really fast.

So, I'm here at work, slightly bored. The VP is in Germany, the rest of the department hasn't come up with much for me to do. I figured I'd rip off a quick post to let you know I'm still here.

Tonight will be another late night. G and Thing 3 are singing in the talent show tonight at the State Fair, so I have to go see that. I have no idea of what time I'll get home, so I'll post something tomorrow. It may not be too coherent, given the amount of sleep I'll get.

No sleeping in Saturday morning, either. I've decided my resume needs an overhaul, so I'm going to meet with a professional resume writer to have her get me up to speed. I've been using the same basic format since I graduated from college in 1990, so yeah, I need to get into the 21st century with that. It will cost me somewhere between $125 to $375 to have her do it. I figure it's an investment in myself and my career.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Temp job

Hmm. Three weeks, possibly four at this job. The gal I'm covering for had surgery this morning, so depending on how fast she heals will determine when I'm done.

Hopefully things will pick up. Turns out one of the admins I'm working with is helping the chair of the annual conference the company holds. Since I helped with this conference two years ago, I offered to help in any way I can. They were delighted to hear that I had made the plasma ads, written stories, done the photography, etc for the event. See if they take me up on it.

Also got in contact with a couple of the people I worked with previously. They were happy to see I was back, even if for just a couple weeks. I'm going to see them next Wednesday for lunch to catch up and see how they are doing.
The department was devestated earlier this year. Their director was laid off and six of the other 14 people were either laid off or moved out of the department. Unbelievable. The powers that be expect this department to run an internal science convention with less people, hoping that more volunteers will step up to help with the load.

It will be an interesting to see how lunch goes next week.

The commute there and back was about the same length the last one was. I'm grateful it's on the opposite end of the cities, north side of 35W rather than south.

Thinking of being grateful... For a couple weeks I've been writing down nine items I'm grateful for most every night (there's been a couple nights I've been too tired to think, let alone write).
Last night the good old Law of Attraction gently knocked on my noggin while I was trying to go to sleep. If I'm grateful for things I don't yet have, they are more likely to come to me faster.
As the Secret put it, what you think about and thank about, you bring about.

So, as I was trying to get my head to shut down last night, I pictured myself meeting up with some former associates in about a year or so. I told them about the great job, that it met all my values, my boss and their boss were very pleased with the work I was doing, etc. I had Quantum Touch classes going, a new man that made me smile till my face hurt and my heart sang. I kept that in my head until the body gave up and I went to sleep. I was still grooving on that fantasy when I woke up this morning.

I know I can manifest things pretty quickly when I put myself into the right frame of mind. Time to be thankful and relieved about all the great stuff coming into my life.

Monday, August 25, 2008


There are some days that drive you batty, others are OK. Today is one of those batty days.

I've had some issues with my color laser printer here at home on and off over the last year. I got a couple documents to print last week just fine, now today it's not behaving. I've taken the toner cartridges out, can't get the magenta back in because the slots aren't lining up to put it back in. Even when it is in, the printer is giving me error messages.

I've had the printer since 2003 when I started my businesses. I've printed thousands of sheets, replaced the cartridges and the imaging drum many times. It could be the thing is just done, time to get a new one. The timing absolutely sucks.

The good news is, I start the new temp job tomorrow, so if all else fails, I'll put the document on a jump drive and print it at work.

Didn't get much done this weekend, cause I discovered Not a good place for me to know about. It's got fan fiction from all my favorite TV shows, movies and books.

What does that list include? TV shows: Eureka, Moonlight, Stargate: SG1 and Atlantis, Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, La Femme Nikita, NCIS, CIS & CIS: NY, and Numbers. Battlestar Galactica, so-so. Doctor Who I'll watch if nothing else is on. Airwolf - Jan Michael Vincent was eye candy. Forever Knight.
Movies/books: Harry Potter, the entire Star Wars saga, the Star Trek saga (I'm still XO for a fan club called Trekadence), Mercedes Lackey, Ann McCaffery, Dune series, Melanie Rawn.

Yes, lots of sci-fi/fantasy. Been into that since I gave up the Hardy Boys (yes, Shawn Cassidy was hot in that day, even bought the album). I needed something to escape the hellhole I was living in and sci-fi took me places. In some ways it gave me something to live for, something to believe in.

I can sit for hours reading, which is what I did this weekend. Read through a lot of Eureka fan fic, then got onto SG1.

Today I'm trying to get stuff done. I was working with the printer so I could print off a fax cover sheet to send in to the mortgage company for a hardship negotiation. The paperwork is filled out, supposed I'll have to hand write something out.

I hate dealing with mundane paperwork. I understand why I don't like doing it, sometimes you just gotta slog through it and get it done.

New stuff tomorrow. New temp job, new people, new location. Lots of details to pay attention to. That I will have no problem focusing on.
Busy week, too. Wednesday night I'm going with Jones clan to the Star Wars exhibit. Thursday night I'm going to the State Fair to watch G and Thing 3 sing. I may splurge this weekend and go to Ren Fest. See where I'm at.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wii, finally

For those of you who have been reading me for a while, you know that back in February (February!) I bought a Wii with extra games and controllers. In June I bought the Wii Fit. Neither one had set themselves up.

Until today. Yes, I finally have the Wii set up and even played a couple games. I still have to synch up the second controller and nunchuk and the balance board, the majority of the system is up and running.

Here's the downside: with my old TV, I need to switch to channel 91 to see the game. My TV doesn't want to switch back to channel 3 so I can watch TV. I'm charging the batteries in my remote to see if I can get the remote to behave so I can easily switch between 3 and 91. If not, after my FedEx delivery, I will hop on Chael and go to Target to get a new TV remote.
Edit 8-23: Once the batteries re-charged, the remote works again, so no need for a new one. Yeah!

What else have I gotten done today? Back in 1998, when I went to Montana for a vacation after my second suicide attempt, I found a gorgeous calendar with various scenes from Montana. I thought one day I would trim the photos and hang them up.

That day finally came today. I had trimmed most of the pictures while I was still at work using the art department's rotary cutter. I could make sure the corners were perfectly square and all the sides even. I had even bought 11" x 14" frames to put them in. As I was looking at my to-do list, I thought this would be an easy project, and it was. I had mats from a different frame that came in handy for two of the pictures, and the other I was able to use the black from the printed insert.

Here's the funny part, to me. I asked, using the noticing, if each of these pictures had a specific bagua they needed to go in. Yes. Picked each up, asked bagua by bagua which it belonged in, then which wall it needed to go on. One picture bumped my ocean painting to a different wall where it was supposed to be.

I also got my Therapeutic Coaching certificate up in its frame in my office.

Last night I started on the 'one page miracle' goals list from Change Your Brain. Hand written out, it's two pages, but will come down to one when I get it typed up. Then I can keep it handy with me wherever I go.
--Hmm, time for some lunch and maybe bake a batch of cookies . Maybe AB's lentil cookies with chocolate chips... (these are really good - you don't taste the lentils, but you get the added protein.)

Who's AB? None other than Alton Brown, my most favorite TV host on Good Eats, Iron Chef America, Feasting on Asphalt 1 & 2 and soon Feasting on Waves. He's also written three books, has his own website, is witty, geeky and all that good stuff I'm attracted to.

He's also the reason I've gotten back into cooking again. I got to meet him April 28 when he was on a signing tour for "Feasting on Asphalt: The River Run". I bought the book and stood in line for over 3 hours to get him to sign it and get a photo with him. Sweet!

The only other person I'd stand in line for to get an autograph and photo with is Chris Potter. I've had it bad for Potter since Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. Now if Warner Brothers would just get their act together and put KF: TLC on DVD...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not one, but another

So, I didn't get the job I interviewed for on Tuesday. Bummer.

However, I did pick up a job at the same company's location starting next week until September 12. An admin is going to have surgery, so she'll train me in next week, then be out for two weeks. The directors she works for will also be out for a week, so there will be some flex time.

Cool. That will allow me to pay the mortgage and association dues for September. Whew.

Meanwhile, I continue cleaning and working on my three page to-do list. Knowing that I'm back to work next week means I need to boogie on getting the living room presentable, in case Jones clan needs a place to stay when they come down for the Star Wars exhibit and State Fair appearances.

As for my head stuff, so far so good. I've re-arranged a playlist on my iPod to include the Mozart I already have along with some music from Centerpoint Research to be a 'brain change' playlist. Then I can put the playlist on repeat and listen all day. If I get sick of it, I've got my other new age/classical stuff I can listen to that also helps me stay focused.

I started the l-tryptophan and l-tyrosine late Tuesday. My guess is they will take a while to kick in as my body gets used to having more of these amino acids in my body. That's OK.

An interesting side note. As I was reading through a couple nutritional guides I have, one side effect of increased tryptophan and tyrosine is a decreased appetite and weight loss. I'll take that as a good thing. Makes sense though, as the brain gets the nutrition it needs, all parts of the brain and body work better. I don't need to eat more to provide that nutrition.

Also checked out My nutritionist recommended it as a cost-effective way to get quality supplements. I spent some time yesterday looking through the site, and they are 40-75% cheaper than other supplements I've been taking. I will be making an order through them when what I've got on hand runs out. Add a flat $4.99 shipping fee, seals the deal.

So, back to my three page to-do list. Prioritize that, kick things into gear. More later if an interesting topic pops up.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Things to make decisions on. One decision will decide if I go back to work - that one is out of my hands. Another decision will help me help myself.


Had my interview with the medical manufacturing company today. They need someone to support a combined group of 12 with admin work. Turns out the department manager went to the same college I did for a year, so we chatted about that. I believe the interview went well. They told me they would be making a decision this week, possibly as soon as tomorrow. It for sure would be for a month, possibly two, and could go permanent. I can deal with that.

It's 18.5 miles away. What is it with me needing to be that far from work? Gah. What I will do is start applying for full time perm jobs on the company's web site for something a bit closer to home.

Other decisions I made for myself today. Been re-reading Change Your Brain and looking at their recommendations for supplements. I have decided to add 1 g of tyrosine, 1 g of l-tryptophan, pycnogenol, and ginko biloba to my supplement regimen. I believe these will help my brain heal itself from what has happened in the past. See what happens between now and the end of the year with the supplements. If things are the same, I'll see where I'm at and potentially go see someone about getting on some drugs.

I'd rather manage this on my own, instead of getting the health insurance company involved. That gets you labeled, and I've already got depression on my record. Don't need potential ADD/brain injury as well.

While I was out, grabbed the latest edition of TC Naturally. One of the articles/advertisements was for a hypnotist working with kids who have ADD. I'm tempted to call her and see if she works with adults.

Not much else doing. Going to have lunch with a former co-worker tomorrow, make sure we stay connected. Give A a call to see if J is still in the hospital or if they got enough of the infection out so he could go home. If he's still in, take a ride down to see and work on him.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Healing nutrition

Comfort food. Means many things to many people. Depending on what's going on, comfort food could be chocolate, a great steak, or what I've been craving lately, mashed potatoes with chopped onions and butter.

Strange combination, I know. I've gotten looks for it from college on. When it's what your body craves, and it's good food, do it.

Nutrition... In a country where 60% of adults are overweight and doctors are now warning of overweight toddlers, I have to wonder how much of it is about nutrition. I look at the cheapest food in our grocery stores and it's all processed beyond recognition. It's full of fillers and chemicals that are supposed to be safe for us that I no longer trust. The food that really is good for us, whole grains, fruit, veggies, grass fed meat, clean seafood, is some of the most expensive.

I stopped at the Emergency Food Shelf Network this morning to pick up the current $17 bundle they had. In the package was 3 apples, a muskmelon, 3 pound bag of potatoes, 3 bell peppers, a pound of carrots, a package of celery, a couple pounds of onions, a pound of hamburger, a pound of skinless chicken thighs, beef kielbasa and pork sausage.
You can also get a vegetarian pack and a mega meat pack. Today they had new potatoes as freebies, and other stuff you could buy for much less than you would pay at the store.
Even better, they are willing to accomodate my food allergies. Since they have several different ethnic populations that can't eat certain things due to religious practices, they have learned to be flexible.

I have to wonder about our emotional, mental and spiritual nutrition. From my own life, I know I've eaten when I'm not physically hungry, ie my stomach wasn't growling. Or I was emotionally upset, trying to fill a void that no amount of food could ever fill.
A good chunk of that was empty calories with no nutrition behind it. Pop, candy, whatever sweets I could lay my hands on when the parents were too busy leading their own lives to give me the time of day.

Things to ponder.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Change your brain

I can not say enough about "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life." This is one of those rare books that I recommend to everyone.

Why? Even if you yourself have not had any problems, the suggestions in the book for dealing with other people who do have these problems is invaluable. If someone you know has what even seems like a slight head injury and you see a change in their personality or behavior, you can take this book to them and say, hey, since this incident, this is what I am noticing.

Had I had this book before I started my last job, I might still be working there. I would have known how to deal with the physical issues that were manifesting as emotional issues in others and taken into consideration what my own issues were.

As such, I have the information going forward. I recognize the two critical areas in my brain I need to work with and help out. I can use this information in helping my clients by suggesting how they can help themselves. 

Yes, we are much more complex than just our brains. There is our spirituality, our mental and emotional bodies to consider along with our physical bodies. Understand the parts to understand the whole. I have a much better understanding now of my behavior and what's causing it, how I can work to help myself fix it, and why the coaching I've received hasn't always worked.

Here's a link to some YouTube videos of Dr. Amen speaking. Here's a link to his clinic.

Even if you don't buy the book now, tuck this info in the back of your head for future reference. If you need it, you've got it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

QT day

This is the second Saturday in three weeks that I've taken a long ride on Chael. This trip was about 160 miles, down to Owatonna and back to meet with a client.

Since I'm listed on the QT instructor web site, I occasionally get calls and emails from people needing help. This one was a college student who had the QT book, wasn't sure if he was running the energy right. I helped him get the feeling going, so he knows what it feels like. Talked about scoliosis, because he's got it, not bad, but enough that they almost did surgery. He's also got depression and anxiety going on, which explains more than a few things.

We worked together for over an hour, answered his questions, balanced his hips and occiput so he could get a feeling for what QT feels like. He'll email me if he has more questions or gets a group together to do a class.

This has been a QT day. Before I left this morning, I got an email from A stating that J was in the hospital. I stopped on my way home to see him. When I got there he was sound asleep, snoring away. I did some work on him, then came home.

Now I'm just waiting for A to call so I can get the full scoop of what's going on.

I really, really need to get a back rest for Chael. This trip was easier than the last, in part because I knew what to expect. I stopped half way down, took a short break. Got off, walked around, had some snacks and water, hit the road again. Got there in plenty of time.

Still, a back rest would make that long of a ride much easier on my body. Something else that would help is a cruise control. That would give my right hand a break so it wouldn't go numb.

One thing at a time. The cruise control is $200, the back rest $350 or so.

Had an aha while I was talking to my client. While reading Change Your Brain, it asks if you've had any brain injuries. I couldn't place anything obvious until I told him about my fall in March 2006, when my foot got hooked in the gas hose and hit my head in 2 places on the concrete. There's where the latest injury occurred, on the right temple and over my right eye.

Another time I fell was when I was little. I went head over heels down the stairs into the basement. Mom threw a batch of laundry at the landing so I wouldn't crack my head on the concrete. Who knows how many times my head bounced off the stairs on the way down?

Time to do some energy work back to when that accident happened. See what I can help heal then that will make a difference now.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A week

It's been a week I've been home. Good news is I've gotten stuff done. I emailed in my Quickbooks files and mailed in the paperwork so I can get my taxes done to get my refunds. I got my hair trimmed this morning, bangs whacked and the back cleaned up. I have a client in Owatonna (ironic, don't ya think?) tomorrow morning.

I even got some better news. The medical manufacturing company wants to see me for an interview next Tuesday at 1. Sweet.

Had to laugh at my chiropractor. Dr. R said my body today is the loosest, most in tune he's seen it in the time I've been seeing him. When he told him the circumstances as to why, he replied that the Universe is opening up something new for me and to go with it.
We discussed "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" while I had hot packs on my back. He recommended Emmon's "Chemistry of Joy" and Thomas Moore's Soul books.

Here's the thing that struck me this morning as I meditated. Amen is very much a Western medicine MD, he's mentioned spirituality in the book once so far. He doesn't seem to know about energy work and the profound effect energy and resonance can have on the body. I wondered how much I could shift my own brain with repeated doses of energy. All I can do is try and see what happens.

What most of you don't know is that I've been down the medication road before. As I was going to sleep last night, I flirted with the idea of going back on Wellbutrin. I was on Wellbutrin for 4 1/2 years after my second suicide attempt 10 years ago. August 4 was the 10th anniversary of that second attempt.

Here's the thing - the great majority of people I worked with and my family had no clue I'd even attempted. No matter how tired, how depressed I was, I was still at work on time, I worked my butt off between both full time jobs. They were clueless. I didn't tell my mother about it until two years later. I told my oldest brother, because he's a neurologist and I wanted his opinion on the medication front.

Now that I know what parts of my brain are physically having issues, I'd like to think they can be influenced by energy work. I've watched energy work straighten broken noses, shift and release deep, old emotional wounds, I've watched as scoliosis has unwound itself. I've worked on my own wounds of abandonment and other issues.
With this book, I understand the physical defect that is causing my brain to function at less than it's full capacity, which is holding me back from functioning at my full capacity. I know energy work can fix things on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

There's no reason energy work can't fix this as well. If not the techniques I already know, I've got two classes coming up in October that will take me to the next level. More tools in my toolbox.

I told Dr. R that I've heard a couple times I should develop my own form of energy work. Maybe it's not about my personal brand/form of energy work, but that I learn as much as I can about other people's forms so I can really tailor my client sessions. The more I can be specific with what they need, the faster my clients can heal.

The people that are getting my platelets, they are getting the best available. Now I just need a nap to catch up.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

As promised, kitty pix. 

The tortie on the left is Rainbow, Raini for short. She's 18, been with me since September of 2000. Picked her up at a shelter in LaCrosse WI.

Shadow is the black one on the right. She turns 17 tomorrow. Got her from the Montevideo airport. I was doing a story on how the Red Cross was flying blood donated that day back to the Cities, and the kids at the airport brought me their kittens to coo at. A couple weeks later I went back to pick Shad up.

My cats are my kids. I knew when I was little, like 3 years old little, that I didn't want children of my own. That hasn't changed. I just don't have the patience to put up with little ones 24/7/365.  I can do the babysitting thing just fine, a few hours or overnight is cool. Longer than that, forget about it.

Cats are easy, give them access to food, water, a clean litter box and cuddles when they want, life is good. That is, until they start getting older and get sick. Or as I noted earlier, they pick up on what's going on with me and manifest it in their own bodies and behavior.

Raini has hyperthyroidism, which I'm treating with an herbal remedy called Resthyro. Within a week her old personality started coming back. She's still clingy, but she will go sleep in her crate when she knows she's getting on my nerves.

Shadow, Shadow, Shadow. Otherwise known as Shadow Brat, because she is a brat at times. She's loud, noisy, a 15 pound lump of moving fur that takes over and expects me to dote on her hand and paw. She thinks she's the head of the house. If my mother were alive, she would probably say that I got a cat that behaves just like I did as a kid. Not so much, thank you.

Yes, my parents, when they were still alive, got grand cats, not grandkids. I figured my brothers and sister had six boys, two each, and that was enough grandkids for them. Three of the boys are older than I am, three younger. Let's see, Glen is 46, Gene 45, Shane will be 42 in September, David is 38, Bill is 36 (5th nephew born on my 5th birthday), and Clint is 33. All but Shane have at least two kids, and one of those kids has at least one of their own as well. I think.

My cats are my family. My blood family I don't hear from unless someone dies. No one called to check up on me after the bridge collapsed last year, even though they all know I live here. I'm closer to my cousins than I am my own family.

Hence, my created family. There's the Jones Clan, K & G and their kids. J Thing 1 is 15, Thing 2 is 14, Thing 3 is 10 and Thing 4 just turned 6. Then there is the Dominik Clan, J & A and their kids R and J2. They are my family. They have shown me more love and caring than my blood family ever has. 
That's why, when I wrote my will and trust, that G & A are my executors, and they are the ones that will inherit whatever I have when I die.

Family is what you make it. Mine is kinda furry and definitely not conventional. And that's OK by me.


Woke up with a dream this morning. Not often, lately, that I remember what I dream about. This one was loaded with symbols and meaning.

I was at my sister's home helping prepare for a wedding. The dinner was going to be held in a tent that had polycarbonate walls so you could see outside, yet be protected from the weather. I was finishing up the place settings when my sister reminded me it was time to get dressed. This was several hours before the event. I went up to my room, looked through my clothes, didn't like what I'd brought with, so I decided to go shopping downtown. Parked the car, ran across, started looking, then realized I needed to move the car.

I went out, then realized that I had walked through an unusual loading dock. The dock, instead of being the usual 4-6 feet up, was more like 30 feet off the ground. Where I was walking was diamond plate that was maybe 2 feet wide with a 30 degree tilt. I flitted through the first bay only to stop in the middle of the second in a panic attack, curled up in a fetal ball. I realized I could pick myself up and keep going or stay curled up and fall. I got up, got going, moved the car. From there I found a fabulous tiered black gauze skirt and a crisp white blouse, bought them, got back to the wedding in plenty of time.

In real life, yes, I'm standing on that middle loading dock going what the hell am I doing here? I know I'll get to the other side and it will be fabulous. I just need to stand up and move.

In part, this dream could have been prompted by me looking through the Pyramid Collection catalog. I was contemplating a couple of the dresses for McK's wedding and whether or not I should spend the money or wear what I have.

In some ways its also a reminder for me about the unseen support I have. The Universe got me out of a situation that was no longer supporting me and in some ways was hurting me. My attitude was affecting my cats, leaving Shadow to pee all over the house as a visible and smelly sign of how pissed off I was. Since I've been home, Shadow has not peed outside the box. In fact, I actually caught her using the box yesterday. I made sure to feel happy and tell her thank you.

Our pets are such indicators of where we are at with our lives. Looking back, Raini's urinary tract infection should have been a clear indicator, along with Shad's peeing all over the house. I've watched other people's pets do their best to help their humans bear their burdens. I'm human, I missed the signs in my own because I was so caught up in what was going on and didn't take a step back to see the bigger picture.

Sometimes you need to be an observer in your own life, not just a participant. The shift from the first to second or third positions can bring a perspective you wouldn't otherwise be aware of.
Like following your intuitive hits. Whether you name them gut feelings, hunches, that knowing, you just need to follow them. Some might say intuitive hits are guidance from our guardian angels/guides/spirits. Others might say that since your brain is taking in between 5-20 million bits of information per second that your unconscious and subconscious minds put everything together and presented it to your conscious mind as an intuitive hit.
Doesn't matter how you got the info, just be sure to recognize it for what it is, honor it for it's truth as it relates to you, and act on it.
I didn't act on an intuitive hit I received in February about getting out, or remember that August hung over me for a reason. Had I stepped back and gotten some perspective...
What is, is. Time to stay in the present moment and move forwards.

When I get to my other computer, I'll post some pictures of my cats, so you know who's who.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happiness as birthright

So, work on the taxes continues. I finished sorting everything out, pulled the bank statements and started up Quickbooks. Discovered a shortcut that makes inputting data in faster, so when you have almost two years of statements to input, it doesn't take quite as long...

Add in two years of mileage... yeah. I could make this really easy on myself by signing up for the online statement download. Putter with that tomorrow.

P is a friend I met in my therapeutic coaching class in 2003. We've been friends since, working with each other when issues come up, tossing off our favorite phrases at each other when we're stuck or not wanting to see something.

She found a company by the name of Salad out of the UK that does NLP and hypnosis flash cards to help with mastering the language. One of the sets of cards she got was about happiness. The first card she pulled said that happiness is our birthright, just like air is.

Think about the implications. Happiness is my birthright, just like clean air is. For some people, that's a belief that they were brought up with, they don't question it.
For me, not so much. My parents were addicts on three levels: alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Both were running from dreams denied. Their parents didn't teach them happiness is a birthright, so they didn't pass it on to me.

So what does that mean for me? Is this a belief I can buy into? Is it a belief I want to buy into?

It all comes down to worthiness. Am I worthy of believing this? Well, duh. The worthiness factor is due to a previous belief that I am not worthy of anything, let alone being alive. Happiness? Don't go there.

All things I continue to work on as I progress down this path called being awake.
Note to self - don't use pure quinoa flour to make tortillas with. Quinoa flour may be high protien, but the stuff that repels bugs doesn't get washed off before the grain is ground up. Ends up tasting like soap. Yuck.
Normally I'll eat my food mistakes, as long as I don't burn them. Not this time. The whole batch went in the garbage.

Perhaps potato flour is the way to go. Or better yet, just make lefse. I've got mom's rolling pin and recipe. Use potato flour or tapioca instead of wheat flour, could work. Potatoes have a nice, neutral flavor, and I grew up on lefse.

Play with that more. Hit Whole Foods, see what other Red Mill flours they have available.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another day

It's Tuesday, right? I lose track of days sometimes, and this is one of those days.

Continued sorting the mail, finding my business bank statements so I can get the taxes done. While I was doing that I set up a platelet donation appointment for Friday.

Platelet donation? Why not whole blood? Two reasons. 1. The Red Cross already has enough donors of my blood type out there. 2. My platelet count, compared to the average human, is very high. How high? The average human has 100-150k of platelets per cubic centimeter. My platelet count is 400k+, which means I can give a triple dose of platelets in 61-75 minutes.

I also called my temp agency. There are a couple jobs at the large medical device company I worked at previously, one that would be right up my alley. Have to do a drug test and background check, so those are in the works. I would like to get back in there, so we'll see how the interview goes, when it gets scheduled.

Other things I've gotten done include:
-doing my drug test so I can do temp work in a large medical company
-stopped at my former temp agency and got a confirmation of how many hours I put in with them so I can get better benefits with my current temp agency
-continued to sort through to do my taxes
-stopped at JC Penney to pick up the fall catalog
-listened to my feng shui call
-got my printer to work
-found some light blocking shades for my bedroom

Monday, August 11, 2008

Honey do list

Well, since I'm the only honey that can do anything about the list in my house, I've got lots to do. (Not like my cats Raini and Shadow are going to lift a paw to help...)

A to do list with at least 60 items on it.

To my credit, I have gotten several of them done so far, and it's only 1:30. I've done:
-called Vonage to cancel a service that hasn't worked for a while
-called Comcast to cancel HBO
-emailed the condo association about a water leak
-emailed one of my teachers about some of her upcoming classes I want to take
-sorted through some of the 1800+ emails in my inbox while I was on the phone
-gotten my mail
-sorted through said pile of mail
-made the original to do list
-partially cleaned off the kitchen table
-found a recipe for tortillas so I don't have to spend $5 on 6 gluten/wheat free tortillas
-made my grocery list
-emailed a ex-friend about the company she currently works for, see if I can get an interview there

Still have many things on the list, it's a start.
Dang, brain is not remembering. There used to be a program called Fare Share, where you could get reduced cost groceries. Of course, I had it bookmarked on my work computer, I don't have it here at home.

Figured it out - it's the Emergency Food Shelf that's on 54th and Boone in New Hope. They have different packages available to give you options.

No, I'm not hurting that way yet. I wanted to have the information handy in case I do need it. And by posting it here, if you know of others who could use cheaper groceries, here's the info.

Only thing that sucks with them is getting stuff that is wheat/gluten and corn free. Food allergies are a royal pain in my gut, literally and figuratively. Corn in any form can make me double over in pain. Wheat inflames my body, makes my joints hurt and more hair than normal falls out. Not fun.

Think about how many foods these two grains are in: bread of any sort, pizza, pasta, soda (high fructose corn syrup or HFCS), corn chips, tortillas, ice cream, candy bars, caramel, waffles/pancakes, cake, donuts... That's just a small list.

What do I replace them with? For bread, I don't even try. What's out there tastes like cardboard and is only good for things like egg bakes and other things where it's used as an ingredient, not for making sandwiches. Pizza I've found a great replacement in Amy's, they have a rice crust spinach pizza or cheese pizza that I can dress up. Pasta I use Tinkyada, which is a whole grain brown rice pasta in several varieties. I like Tinkyada in that you can boil it for 5 minutes and let it sit in the hot water for another 5-10 minutes and it's done perfectly.

Soda I just don't drink anymore. On the rare occasion I've needed some caffeine to stay wake, I've been known to grab a diet Dr. Pepper, cause I can't stand diet Coke - I grew up on the Real Thing. I do need to find some Mexican Coke, which I hear still uses sugar, or kosher Coke, which uses sugar around Passover. Or I do the organic stuff, like Virgil's Creme Soda, yum!

For the rest, I try to do as much organic as I can. They don't use HFCS, which is bad for you anyways. Corn can be sneaky, just gotta read the labels. Or avoid processed food all together and make my own from scratch. Hence the search for the tortilla recipe. I've got quinoa flour, which is a high protein grain, and some gluten free all purpose flour as well. I love Bob's Red Mill, which Cub carries, or hit Whole Foods for a wider variety.

Now... two of the classes I have coming up are supposed to help eliminate food allergies. I'm taking the Core Transformation I class from Quantum Touch October 3-5, where we learn how to move energy in a different way than regular QT does. October 25-26 I'm co-hosting a class with friend P where Dr. Cory Sondrup is coming in to teach Power Touch Dynamics.

Between the two, I'm looking forward to getting rid of what originally caused me to need to have food and other allergies in the first place.

That's a whole 'nother post, about the mind-body connection and what we can do to ourselves to get in or out of specific situations, and how those decisions can impact more than what we bargained for.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Values and beliefs

I recently took a class on the Structure of Personality. We went over what makes a resilient person, how you can become more resilient, how I as a therapeutic coach can help my clients become more resilient.

We also went over some of the 'dis-orders' that are prevalent in current society. Anxiety, avoidance, depression, histronics, narcissism, obsessive-compulsive. How are these 'dis-orders' provoked in a person, how do you help them get out of it? How do you teach them to help themselves in the future?

Now, I write dis-order with a hyphen to emphasize a point. The language we use shapes how we see the world. If you consider something as a disorder, to me, you are choosing to limit how you respond to that word. If you change the word, you change the meaning.

What does all this have to do with values and beliefs? Our values and beliefs are what drives our behavior on both a conscious and unconscious level. We learn our values and beliefs throughout our lives, yet we're not always aware of what we take in or how it can affect our behavior. Both are context driven.

So what's the definition of values and beliefs? Beliefs are opinions about what is true. Values are opinions about what is important.

Given those definitions, take a look at what you value and believe. What do you value in your relationships? At work, at home, friends, family. Do you see an overlap in the various areas of your life that you can consider life values and beliefs?

What is causing this to come up at this time? For me, when a life change event happens, it's a perfect time to review what I value and believe. I've got a bit of time to make lists, if I find conflicts I can work them out. I know what I don't want, what do I want?

That's what was driving my values list in my first post. Obviously, those values were not being met in my last job, because in part I didn't realize they were things I valued in a job. One of the things my instructor said during the class is that before you go into a job or a long term relationship, list out everything you value. Then you can be conscious about what values you choose to honor, or not. If you choose not to honor that value, you are consciously aware it.

You'll find through these posts that I think. A lot. I've been told that I think too much, that I live in my head and not my body. I sometimes think I don't think enough.

Maybe it's not so much that I don't think enough, it's that my observations don't always connect with what's going on. I miss the subtle hints and clues. So I need to work on my powers of observation, making connections of the hints given to me.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Things that make my heart sing

What makes my heart sing, my feet want to dance, give me joy?

One of those things is teaching Quantum Touch. Quantum touch is a form of energy work that directs energy from the zero point field into the human body's bio-electrical field. I've watched this form of energy work straighten a nose that broken, help straighten spines disfigured by scoliosis, heal old emotional wounds. I love watching people unwind the things that have been causing them pain.

I love even more watching their faces when they realize they can learn how to do the same thing. The light in their eyes when they see someone else's pain melt away because of what they have learned to do.

I get great joy in helping people heal themselves body, mind and spirit. If that sounds like a business tag line, that's because it is.

When you combine QT and other things I've got in my tool box, like massage therapy and Therapeutic Coaching, possibilities expand.

We live in such a narrow world, narrowed by our language choices. I recently finished up a class on the Structure of Personality. In it we talked about how stress is actually a verb, yet as a culture we use it as a noun. Can you put stress in a bucket? No, because it's not a thing.

Stress in many ways is caused by the limited word choices we use to describe our feelings. We have a wide spectrum of descriptive feeling words, gradiations, yet we seem to jump straight to anger, joy, hate, love.
What about being pissed, miffed, irritated, irate, boiling mad? How about happy, glad, joy-full? Despise, sorrow, lost, confused? Content, peace-full, loving? These are just a small sampling that any dictionary has. Go explore and find your own new range of feeling definitions.

Oh, and another hint? Change your word choice. Instead of labeling the situation you are in as being stress-full, label it as a challenge. Notice how that one word change feels different in your body, in your mind.

Perhaps, you may want to consider, that if I can view losing my job as a gift, you can easily change stress to a challenge.

Starting over


New blog for a new era.

So... what prompts this? Being terminated from my workplace of the last 15 months.

The last couple months I've been working with feng shui, the art of wind and water. Been on a massive (for me) house cleaning kick. Started in my bedroom, hauled out two contractor's garbage bags of stuff I hadn't used or touched in the 11 1/2 years I've lived here. With that went umpteen boxes to the garbage. From there, eight grocery bags of clothes, two underbed containers holding 170+ paperback books and some other stuff went to the local thrift store.

Then I started in on the closet in the dining room. Out of there went 15+ jackets, coats, sweaters, parkas, a set of dishes, shoes, more books, etc off to the thrift store.

One day I got tired of my cats peeing all over my home, so I cleaned the floor behind the loveseat to the wall, hauled out more books and garbage. Then I went to work on the rest of the living room.

I'm still not done cleaning. I will be tackling the desk that's full of stuff in the back of the living room. I need to tackle my office, which is in my helpful people and travel area. I need to seriously enhance my wealth and prosperity areas.

Most of all, I need to look at this as a gift. How can losing your job be a gift? Because it gives me a chance to start over. New people, new things, another go at setting intentions to meet the values I want in a workplace.
My needs were pretty simple when I started the last job. I wanted a job that was within 15 miles of home, good people. I didn't set the bar high enough, because I didn't put everything together with what I valued in a job.

This time, I've come up with a much better and more extensive list of things I value in a job. Those things are:
-People who are genuine
-Honest and open communication
-A team that genuinely respects and cares for each other
-A team that works well together
-Within 10-15 miles from home or on an easy bus route
-Pay is at or higher than my previous income
-Flexible if I need time off to teach or see my chiropractors
-Fun group to work with
-Open to new view points and ideas
-Awake company and awake co-workers
-Company where I can make a difference, and what I do matters
-Most of all, a job where I am set up for success.

What I will miss the most is the relationships. A couple I'm going to work at to hang on to. The computer geeks, my 'endorphin rushes'... time will tell.

Next post, when I get around to it, will be some of the stuff you normally don't see of me. All the things I like, shows that pique my interest, books I can't get enough of, music that makes my heart sing.