I, for one, do not make new year's resolutions. What would cause me to want to set myself up for failure purpose fully? I set myself up for failure just fine the way it is, thank you very much. So, no resolutions for me.
However, I am noticing that the Universe does take notice when I declare something, like when I said I was ready to go back to work after cleaning for a month straight. Got to contemplating that as I was drifting off to sleep. So, here are my declarations:
*I am ready to quickly, easily and ecologically let go of the emotional issues that are hindering me in reaching my goal weight of 143 pounds.
*I am ready to let a boyfriend/male companion/partner into my life.
*I am ready to be financially abundant.
*I am ready to quickly learn and put into practice my copywriting skills.
*I am ready to step into my best life.
Now you know, as well as the Universe does.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a bit of weirdness in my home this evening. Got home, opened the patio door and was met with the strange smell combination of spray paint and Drakar Noir cologne. I searched the place, no one was in here but me and the cats. The cats were acting normal, which they would not have been if someone had been in here. I checked all the usual suspected places like garbage cans and the like, nada. I've continued to catch whiffs of Drakar on and off all night.
If it's a ghost or other non-physical entity, it's not setting off my danger sense, or lighting up my back. When I was younger and the ghosts were roaming the house I grew up in, I could clearly feel them on my back. I've still got that sense, it's been tripped other places and other times, but not in my home.
Call in archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Ariel, Haniel and a few others to protect me tonight. Re-set my personal and house shields while I'm at it.
And if you think this is weird, you don't know the half of it.
Life at work goes on. I did get the lists from Northridge on Wednesday before I left, so today was sorting through the list, getting it down to just Project and Visio, and going through the biggest one. I finished the first run through about 5:05 tonight, so I'll tackle the smaller lists on Monday.
It's been nice, not having a whole mess of people around the last two weeks. Got stuff done, didn't have to worry about anyone else, got decent parking spots. That all changes come Monday when they all come back to work. Three weeks down, 17 to go.
Making do...
10 years ago
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