Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brrr, January style

Freakin' 18 degrees below zero this morning when I backed Taez out of the garage. The high was 1 below. I'm very grateful Taez and Chael have a garage to share so Taez will actually start in the morning.

I do have to say, when we did share the garage with the old man upstairs, there were several mornings this cold, and he did start with no problems. Just took forever to warm up.

At least the roads weren't near as icy as last night. Took me almost 2 hours to get home from Roseville where I picked up my check. Given how many vehicles I saw in the ditch and the one or two stops that activated Taez's ABS, and I'm just glad we made it home in one piece.
Emailed my boss today about the email account. She agrees that we can't have the licensing stuff go into my personal email box, cause what happens when I leave? So we need to figure out something before the first email goes out next week.

Tomorrow we sit down with the guy who pulls the lists of who has actually bought licenses. He's been really inconsistent about the reports he pulls - the data column heads never match up. I have to spend an hour or more sorting through to match the original report. I've made a list of the things I think we need. We'll talk tomorrow and once we agree on what we need, we'll have him re-pull everything. Then it will be clean and consistent going forward.
Saw Dr. M tonight. Somehow he got both my right hip and my mid-back to release at the same time, one of those that leaves you gasping and moving very slowly. I was approved for 10 weekly massages (10!), so the first one is Friday night after I see Dr. M.

I don't think I've been touched that much since I was in massage therapy school 14 years ago. Or while I was doing energy shares.
It seems between Thursday and today that I have picked up a urinary tract infection. One of the rare times I break out the adult toys and I pay for what little satisfaction I got by getting an infection. I really need to have a conversation with my sub and unconscious minds about this.

If there's going to be a man in my life and all the pleasures he can bring me, I can't be popping up right afterward and running for the bathroom to pee out any foreign invaders.

Then again, if my body were in a more alkaline state of being, I probably wouldn't have gotten the infection in the first place. Time to be consistent with the lemon juice in my drinking water, a cup of hot water with raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey after supper and see what happens. And unsweetened cranberry juice for now.

And if that's TMI for you, wait until he's actually in my life...

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