Saturday, April 25, 2009


Trusting myself and processes are not something that comes to me easily. Especially when the process doesn't seem to quite go as planned.

Some of you might remember from my early days here talking about me doing a gallbladder and liver flush, to move gallstones out of my gallbladder and liver. I've done the process at least 20 times - for a while in 2006 I was doing one every three weeks. It's been about a year since I did the last one. I figured this was a good time to do another one - spring cleaning internally.

I've been prepping for a while. Started taking malic acid caps a month ago to soften the stones. Been eating mostly vegetarian this week, for sure Thursday. Survived only on carbs yesterday, noticing as my blood sugar fluxed back and forth, trying to keep things stead with no fat or protein to help. Did everything according to plan.

Then... nothing. The epsom salts solution didn't seem to work last night. Normally I would have missed all the TV shows I watch Friday night because I would have been indisposed. No joy. I even stayed up until 11 to see if things would finally work. No. Decision time: do I take the second solution to make the bile dump happen or not take the chance? Given my starvation mode all day and how hungry I was, I downed the solution with a couple magnesium oxide caps and went to sleep.

Good news is, things finally worked. The magnesium oxide caps did what the epsom salts didn't.

This is literally a case of trusting my guts to know what they are doing and letting them do the work.

In some circles, our guts are known as our second brain. Many of the epithelial cells that line the gut are very similar to brain cells. Our immune system is run by our guts and lymph system. That doesn't even count the energetic system of chakras that run through our body, with two of the major ones directly in our guts.

Somehow I'm not surprised at the timing. One of the things I've been working with on the Paraliminal Accelerator is my self-confidence and taking my power back. Thinking back to the years I grew up and how many times I was damned for different things when I knew in my gut I was right. I quit trusting myself, gave my power up to others and tried to hide who I really am.

If I want to succeed, confidence and power are two things necessary. Trusting myself is one part of confidence and power. Trusting my gut to know how to do things even when things seem to be going terribly wrong.

Trusting that my gut knows better what my soul wants me to do than my brain or maybe even my heart.

Now there's a shift for you. What's your gut telling you?

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