The weeks blend together, not much difference between them, even if this one was shorter than the rest.
I'm finally getting near to being done with transferring the SMS data into my licensing spreadsheet. Given how Excel numbers things, it started with 100,000, worked its way through the 300k, then dropped back to 50,000. Argh.
Once I'm done with that, then I can go through and de-dupe, do the v-lookup against the SMS report so we know who gets it removed no questions, then we can do the other stuff.
My walks continue. I took the time to re-count the carpet squares, cause I realized at one point it couldn't be just 500 feet around the perimeter when it's over 700 feet just around the inner core. Turns out the building is 390' x 114', at least on the inside. That makes my laps 1,000 feet, so 12 laps comes up to just over 2.25 miles a work day that I'm walking. That doesn't include my mini-laps around the core when my Gruve goes off every 40 minutes.
Now I just need to conquer the sugar cravings.
My books finally came in, so I'm reading through Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. His premise, given how far I've gotten in the book, is that the whole low-fat, high-carb diet was based on really shoddy science and never backed up by the standard scientific method of testing the hypothesis. His reference list is pretty much the back 1/4 of the book. It's been interesting so far. I want to get into his recommendations going forward. If I keep reading at the rate I am, I'll have most of it wrapped up by tomorrow night.
Making do...
10 years ago
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