Thursday, May 7, 2009


It doth appear that I've got me some educating to do with our remote sites at work.

Why? My boss and I talked to one of our island sites today. As far as they were aware of, if a piece of software had been packaged for delivery by SMS, they had a site license and anyone could use it without buying a license.

It took everything I had not to groan out loud when I heard that statement. It seems that very few of the remote sites outside the US have ANY type of licensing procedures or track them. They don't seem to have read the current policy and procedures on how to buy software, so they're just getting quotes locally.

I fired off an email to our software vendor and asked them to get me the names and contact info for their sales staff at all our remote locations. I want to know if they've tried to make contact, if there have been problems in the past, the whole nine yards. See what the vendor comes up with, then start making introductions and making sure the remote sites are aware they need to buy software only from this vendor.

I'm about a third of the way through my 15k+ line licensing spreadsheet. I'm comparing it to a record from the purchasing application to see if I can match up more licenses to names. I also got my hands on an inactive directory list, so I know who's left the company and what their last cost center was, so open licensed can go in the right cost center.

I will admit that there are days when this job does get boring. Same stuff, different day, at least I think it's a different day. Not sure anymore, cause the days blend together.

Finally bought an exercise ball to use as a chair for work. Inflated it most of the way Tuesday night, finished it at lunch. The boys couldn't figure out what the pump sound was, so I had a chance to explain why I was using the ball as a chair.

Good thing, too, because my green goal jumped up to 1,265 calories yesterday. The 20 minutes I spent on the ball today showed up in the minute by minute summary. My wiggling around spent between .4 and 1 calorie a minute. Not so easy on the back, which is still complaining about it, but good for the burn.

Think I'll go to bed early tonight. I'm tired - gotta talk to Dr. M about that tomorrow night. I thought exercising was supposed to give you more energy, not make you more tired.

When you get a chance, go here and take a listen - I think you'll like it. Thanks for the link, P.

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