Thursday, May 21, 2009

Integrative medicine

At the medical device company I'm working for, they have their own scientific conferences and what they call a technical forum. The forum is a series of groups that works on various things that pique their interest.

The technical forum recently started a chapter on integrative medicine, and had their first open meeting on Tuesday. It was in my building, so I went to see the presentation. They had a psychologist who treats chronic pain as their guest, explaining what integrative medicine is and why the company should be thinking about it.

I knew the doctor got it when I saw a quote from "What the Bleep."

When I got back to my desk, I signed up to join the chapter. Given that I do integrative health practices by combining massage, therapeutic coaching and energy work, I'm already a step ahead of them. It will be interesting to see how open they are to my viewpoint.

Life continues with the same old, same old. I'm looking forward to this being a three day weekend. I need to clean out the garage so it can be shared starting July 1 (grrrrr). Clean up the oil spill, figure out what to do with all the stuff that's out there, haul out the work bench the former occupant so nicely left behind. Joy. It will give me a good shot at hitting my green goal for the Gruve.

Perhaps I'll post some before and after pictures as I work on the garage. Like I did last fall as I was cleaning up the house.

Body is getting used to the new diet. I need to look for a digestive enzyme that is for high protein diets. I think I may have found one, need to look at it closer. Perhaps a trip to Whole Foods is in order, or one of the other co-ops in the area.

The new shoes are such a difference from my New Balance. Lighter, cushier. If my back is behaving, I can walk faster. Going down stairs - such a difference between thud and squish. Easier on the knees, too.

Now if they just made a difference going up the stairs...

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