Monday, May 4, 2009


It's nice to be able to breath through my nose again. The phytogen is working.

I'm thinking I'm going to contact the nutritionist I was working with a couple years ago. See what she has for ideas on getting complete protein into me veggie wise. I know I could really up the protein with whey powder and meat, both of which are not budget friendly. I'm thinking I need to boost to at least 200 grams a day, possibly 300-400, depending on where the tipping point is that my body starts letting the weight go.

If that seems like a lot of protein, it is. On a 2500 calorie diet, 200 grams is 800 calories, which is a third of the day's calories, 300 would be 1200, or about half. If that's what I need to do to drop the weight, I'm willing to go there.
The critters have been put up on the shelf. I did that during a short break last Thursday as I was trying to download stuff over the VPN so I could work from home. The dresser is cleaned off, just the red cloth over the mirror. Above my bed are two rose quartz angels and two small rose quartz hearts, along with some pink tulle and ribbon. That's about as romantic as I can be at the moment. I could move my romance vision board to that shelf as well.
I have to come up with some type of sleeve for the mane when I'm riding Chael. I'm tired of my hair being a tangled mess after being tucked in the jacket, whether it's braided or just in a ponytail. I may have to butcher up some bandanas to see what I can come up with. Or a modified do-rag that has an extra long tail and ties that I can cover and wrap the ponytail with. More patterns to go searching for.

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