Thoughts are kind of scattered tonight. Lots of things on the brain.
One theme that keeps running through my head is from last Thursday's ep of 11th hour. It was about a woman who was cloning humans. The babies born of the hybrid eggs were then being killed for their organs. The woman behind it was doing the work to save herself from a fatal genetic abnormality.
How far is too far? At heart, I'm still a bit of a scientist, thinking that science is the right way to go. I'm starting to see more and more that, at least when it comes to messing with genetics, we may be going a bit too far.
Plant breeding is one thing. Plants have been cross breeding by pollination since the beginning of plant life. For us to go messing by inserting specific genes for certain things not possible by traditional breeding makes me uneasy. Not so much the playing God factor, more so that we don't know enough about the long term effects because it hasn't been around long enough.
Look at some of the different 'wonder' chemicals we've cooked up in our past. Some of the pesticides that have almost wiped out entire species, or CFC's. Of course, my brain isn't calling up the names at the moment, but some of you may be old enough to remember some of those disasters. Or the more recent one with BPA in water bottles.
In some ways, the simpler ways are better. Simpler, unfortunately, isn't always a money maker, and in a country where the all-mighty dollar rules, people get hurt.
I think of my own exposure to farm chemicals. Let's see... Fell face first into a hog trough of diesel fuel at 4 years old. Exposed to cleaning solvents, hydrolic fluid and more in the tractor repair shop from ages 5-18. Purposefully sprayed with Basagran by my father when I was 17. Sprayed weeds with Roundup on the bean bar most of my teen years, unprotected. There's more, but my brain is not cooperating tonight.
Think about all that stuff that's stored in my fat cells. As I let go of this weight, what's stored is going to come back out as the cells shrink. It's gonna be interesting to see how it plays out.
Anyway, back to the cloning. Am I against all cloning? Starting to edge that way. If you can coax stem cells into creating a body part without having to kill a human or animal when the part is ready, I'm OK with that. I think that as time goes on and people come to really recognize that the human energy field exists and can direct how bodies can grow and heal, that's the way to go.
I've heard of naturally based products helping grow back fingers that have been cut off at the first knuckle. I know what energy work can do to help a body heal. We need to join forces with science, suspend disbelief and try some experiments. Edison failed 1,000 times before he got the incandescent light bulb right. He got the feedback and made use of it until his idea worked.
We need to be willing to try.
The other thing was bugging me is Heroes. I'm not sure I like this new story arc, with Nathan leading a government task force to round everyone with abilities up. It's too much like a modern day rounding up of the Jews, to commit genocide against a segment of people that really aren't that different from us.
Talk about fear and trying to stop evolution. There was an article in New Scientist a while back asking if we have stopped evolving as a species. As long as fear rules, yes, we've stopped and even gone backwards. Only when we wake up, see that there's more to our lives than just getting up, going to work, coming home and going to bed, only to repeat that cycle every day of our lives, can we have the courage to start evolving again.
Making do...
10 years ago
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