I don't know what to think or feel at this point with the job situation.
Here's the latest. Yesterday I was asked to put together a detailed list of what I do and how long it takes me to do my job. I mind mapped it all out and the project manager took it to the finance director. Finance director then realized that she can't add another full time job to her cell phone guy that's been helping us out. She wants to see ITAM continue in some form, as does a higher VP. So the finance director asked the project manager for more numbers to take to the higher VP and his council on Monday morning.
There are three options.
1. Hire me at a full time equivalent so I can keep doing what I'm doing and keep this project alive until such time as the computer system is ready to take on asset management. Even then, there will still be plenty of analysis work to do as more applications come online.
2. Hire a contractor to come in and cover for me for the 60 days I have to be out, then let me come back and keep going until I can be hired under the next fiscal year budget.
3. Pare the entire program back. Reconcile licenses once a quarter and call it good until they get hit with another big audit.
So, let's hope that the higher VP sees the value in continuing this program and will pony up the money to hire me.
Had lunch today with one of the gals I've worked with on and off. She's on the accounts team and has helped me with setting up stuff in the GRS system. We talked about the job situation and what she has seen. We also talked about men. I gave her a copy of Keys to the Kingdom and the Conversations. I think she will learn a lot and be able to use the information with the two men that she has feelings for. In return, since she's going to school to become a personal chef, she'll make me dinner some time.
I did tell her about the boy. She understands the attachment. She also agrees that I need to tell him what a blessing he's been in my life. He's going to get copies of several things - all audio since he doesn't have time to read other than his college textbooks (which I've dangled PhotoReading in front of him to help with.)
His situation has taken a turn. His wife was going to turn in her resignation today. She was a database admin at a local grocery chain corporate office. Things are just as crazy there as they are at our workplace, so it was a matter of who reached the breaking point first. They can make it on just one of their salaries, but to be comfortable both need to be working. Plus they both traded vehicles about a month ago - she traded her Mustang for a Cube and he ditched the Focus for a blue HHR.
So, a third weekend of waiting, hoping, wondering. In between all the work I need to do I guess I need to do some more forgiveness worksheets and move some stuff.
Making do...
10 years ago
1 comment:
Hopefully you'll soon have need of unique title!
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