Monday, February 14, 2011

Another week, another cat

So this bundle of white is Charmin. She's the newest foster to the house. I apologize for the not so good pix - the poor kid has conjunctivitis - pink eye to the rest of us. I've had her quarantined in my office since I picked her up last Tuesday night. Thankfully the ointment I have to put in her eye three times a day is working - the swelling has come down, her eye almost back to normal like her other one.
She's also recovering from bite wounds. Not sure what happened at her first foster home. They had dogs and little kids, and I suspect one of the dogs got to her. She wouldn't eat for them, but she's been eating and drinking for me.

This is one of those heart breaking cases. When I picked her up to transfer to my crate to bring her home I was overwhelmed with grief and heartbreak. Once we got home and I got the office organized... wow. I picked her up out of the crate, she curled up in my arms and I sobbed. She felt like she'd been emotionally abused as well as the physical.

For the most part I've let her eat and sleep in peace for the last week. When I do come in to do meds, I pick her up and just sit and pet her for a while. Eventually she'll relax and start purring. I have to bundle her up to put the ointment in, so she stays put and doesn't shake it out of her eye.

The debate is, do I keep her or hope that she goes to someone that will have just her and appreciate that they have a really mellow lap cat.

Still nothing on the work front. That's OK. I suspect I'm getting this time off for a reason.

What's that reason? So I can have time to concentrate on myself. Did the liver & gallbladder flush, which surfaced more anger and resentment. For the next three weeks I'm doing a kidney flush, moving not only the kidney stones and sand out, but also moving the fear as well.

Better to move this stuff now while I have the time off, cause when I do go back to work who knows when I'll get a break again? Go through an intense growth period while I have time, space and peace to process.

And yes, I do realize just how lucky I am that I get to do this and not have to juggle a job on top of it. Yes, I'm still working on the TCM nutritional guide, but I can do that when I want to - be it in the middle of the night or whenever.
The universe works the way it is supposed to.

Now if we can just get that concept through to one of my nieces... Thing 2 was supposed to find a way for her boyfriend here in the Cities to come out and stay out there this past weekend. When she couldn't find a place for him to stay, they changed plans for her to come here. She didn't bother to ask me if she could stay until noon on Friday, and only after prompting from both her mother and I.

I laid into both kids when they got here Friday night. Lack of planning ahead, lack of respect, the lying about contacting me, lying about a whole mess of stuff.

I'm really glad, when I got my Verizon iPhone, that I paid the $5 for unlimited texting. Friday morning alone I blew through that and then some if I'd still been paying 25 cents a pop. (and yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my iPhone).
Between texts from his dad, her mom and her...

Saturday morning his parent and I chatted about what was going on and how to handle things moving forward. We then brought the kids in and laid things on the line. From now on everything has to be planned out ahead of time. As soon as you know, you start running things up the flag pole. I asked about prom and spring formal, graduation, any summer doings and started putting them on my calendar as we talked.

We'll see how that goes. I asked for emails to all involved so that everyone is on the same page at the same time. If I don't hear something soon about spring formal plans, I'm going to start prompting.

I didn't have kids for a reason and I still have to deal with this stuff. Oy. Preparing me for my own some day, if menopause doesn't hit first?

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