Sunday, January 23, 2011

So it goes...

Stuff getting done, slowly but surely.

I did get the main part of the living room rearragned. Still a work in progress.

Found someone on Freecycle that wants the end and coffee tables I inherited from Mom. Those I can gladly and gratefully let go of. In letting those go, I did bring one new thing home - a scanner for my computer. If I want to I can scan in all the photos I have and ditch the paper.

I primarily bought the scanner so I can scan in issues of the Taijiquan Journal. I found them on Freecycle. Got a lot of great articles that I want to preserve. I'll scan them in so I can have them on my iPad, then give the paper journals to my instructor. He hadn't heard of the magazine before, so I know he will want to read through them. The journal is no longer printed, but there is a blog associated with the journal, so I can keep up with it that way.

KK is still having issues. The vet discovered that she had already been spayed, so while she had her open, decided to go look at her guts. KK's colon was red, and given the low good bacteria count in her gut, presuming she has colitis. The colitis could be caused by anything from allergies, blunt trauma, emotional upset, change in food, parasites, bad gut bacteria... To start we've put her on Forti-flora, which is a cat probiotic and moved her to Hills W/D food. If those work to slow things down, then she's still adoptable because it can be easily controlled. If not, we add another antibiotic to the mix and we keep trying to figure it out.

Poor kid also has no vertebrae below her pelvis. Even Manx cats have a vestigial tailbone. She doesn't have anything holding her together below where her sacrum holds the pelvis. It's not an issue at the moment, but could be as she gets older.

Meanwhile, nothing on the work front. I'm OK with that for now. Still got a lot to do around here with cleaning and moving stuff out so new stuff can come in. Two or three things out for every one new thing in.

And getting the graduation afghans started. Hard to believe the oldest one will graduate from high school in May. So I have spent some time getting her afghan started. Thankfully she wanted the same colors as the wedding afghan I did last fall, so I can use that yarn up before I buy more.

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