Sunday, November 7, 2010


So yesterday conspired to be a crazy day. I knew a couple weeks ago I was having a friend over for supper. In going back to work I needed to Taez's oil changed cause he's two months overdue but at the correct mileage for an oil change, so I scheduled that.

Then came AB's slow decline. I knew after talking to Jodi the animal communicator that he was starting to wind down. He'd gone off his food a couple times this week and didn't want me holding or touching him. He did choose to come and meditate with me both Friday and Saturday mornings...

I've gotten to the point I would rather let him go too early than too late. I let Raini go too long, same with Shadow and Tabby. I wasn't willing to put him through that. Could he have made it another week or two? Maybe, but I suspect he would have been suffering with the coughs, not feeling good, etc. Quality of life vs. quantity. I'd rather do quality.

That meant scheduling his euthanasia for yesterday. His first set of parents wanted to be there, as Tabby's happened so suddenly. Tuesday they euthanized the one they did keep, so to have a second go in the same week, the third in a month was hard for them.

They took his body home to bury him next to the one they let go of. Their kids are making garden stones for all three cats.

In a way I'm glad I was crazy busy yesterday. I cried when I got home from the vet, then had to get right back to cleaning and getting ready for dinner. I didn't have the house perfectly clean like I wanted. The main areas were clean and clutter free (my office, not so much). For those that know me and have been to my place, these pictures may astound you - clean floors, clear countertops, the kitchen table is usable...

Yes, I have a ways to go. There are 8-9 bags of stuff in Taez to go to ARC for donation. There will be more before the year is done. Time to clean house and make space.

Thinking of making space... Dinner and conversation with Stacey last night were just what I needed. To be able to talk about the metaphysical side of things and have someone know and understand the references and get the meaning is a wonderful gift. She borrowed my copy of the Debbie Ford documentary "The Shadow Effect." I think she'll like it.

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