Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can we just skip this day?

It would be one thing if I actually had the man who has my heart in my life like I want him in my life. Since he's not, this day sucks.

There has got to be a way for me to win on this one. For once I deserve to have what I want without having to beg, plead and constantly be hurt. There has to be a way to break the pattern.

Meanwhile, life goes on. Work has simmered down a bit. The idiot who's been stingy with data and had the balls to accuse me of several things had his ass handed to him. My boss hit him with the fact that what's he's been doing could be considered harassment, which could get him fired. He backed down after that.

I was able to, with some help from another co-worker, able to figure out what I needed to do for the Acrobat counts. Broke things out by version, then did a de-dupe. The de-dupe wiped out over 6,000 out of a 16k list. Now it's to go back and match licenses, upgrades and maintenance to the licenses we do have.

We're also in the process of getting a couple forms created to track the exceptions to the latest version. One will be in SiteBuilder until the other process can be built in our IT ticketing software, which is at least three months away.

My workouts continue five days a week. I lost three pounds this week. Yeah. Boo to the fact I lost a pound of muscle. I need to figure out what's going on, because I need to add 40-50 pounds of muscle to my frame in order to carry off 175 to continue with my platelet donations.

Other than the overtime and how painful that's been with a laptop that had hardware issues, same old, same old. Boring.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another week

I really need to work on my work intention, like the one I have for my drive/ride.

The week was tiring and stressful. I'm tired of dealing with stupid men who think that going round and round in circles creating confusion is the proper way to do things. There are three guys in the department that think that by running ideas in circles that they can confuse people and get their way because only they know the straight path from point a to point b.

Sorry, boys, I'm on to your game, and I will not play it. When I call you on your bullshit, you damn well better admit that you've fubar'd the project beyond all recognition. Then leave me alone while I go back and fix the mess you created. Also, don't go throwing me under the bus to get me in trouble, just to get the spotlight off yourself. Ain't gonna work, and you only shot yourself in the foot anyway.

I've asked for a heavy bag to be installed in the wellness center. The gal who runs it agreed that it would be a good thing for people to come down and take their frustrations out on the bag instead of their co-workers. Some people might be afraid of it at first, until they see a few of us regularly taking a swing at it. I may even go so far as to put a photo sleeve on the bag, so you can put a photo of who it is that's frustrating you so the people around know who's pissing you off.

The stress is affecting my back, my weakest point. I've dug out a book I got a couple years ago on body building without using weights. She shows a different way to do crunches that keeps the stress out of your neck. Start doing those daily to help strengthen my back.

I've also ordered another stretching strap. I know I bought one last year, can't find the damn thing. Found the book, strap has disappeared. Have it sent to work so it goes right in the gym bag when it shows up.

Got my LiveScribe up and running. Took a few tries because the firmware didn't install the first time. It's recording now, and I've used it several times in meetings with the idiots above and for short conversations with my martial arts co-worker.

I was going to have a long chat with the martial arts guy yesterday. Since he lives 50 miles from work and it was snowing yesterday, he decided to work from home. Pffft. At least I can listen to what I have gotten out of him.

I've got Sufi to myself today for class, far as I know. Time to start asking for homework, what does he want to see me work on during the week. Show him I'm interested, taking this seriously. Pick his brain about what he would transfer to me if he could.
Then I come home and work on the deep trance identification script for him.

Need to do some shopping today as well. I need a new scale that accurately does weight and body fat. I also want to get a stop watch so I can time how fast I recover between my PACE workouts.

Time to get moving. Need to have lunch before I go to class.