Sunday, January 24, 2010

New kids

The new kids are doing OK, far as I can tell. Most of the time I find them camped out under/behind the end table I have in my prosperity corner.

AB's been funny today. He'll sneak behind the couch, slink by my recliner, then walk over by the door and peek at me as I've been washing dishes and making yogurt. He'll sit there and watch me do my thing. The moment I move out of the kitchen he's gone.

When I was having my lunch of baked chicken and grapefruit, he was sniffing around my chair. I slowly put my hand down where he could smell the chicken. Sniffed my fingers, did a bit of a head butt against my hand. When I went to pet him, poof, gone again.

Haven't seen much of Tabby girl. I'm presuming she's under my bed, though I haven't look there today. She still spooks really easy. She's the one that will take the longest to warm up.

It's like they've gone back to being wild. They've had so little human contact that they are afraid to let someone in again. That's what Jodi picked up Wednesday night.

I can sympathize, I know all too well about letting people in again. In some ways the three of us are much alike - can we learn to trust and let others in and still be safe? It may be aloof of me, but I'll let them come to me when they are ready.

Can I do that in my own life? Do I reach out or sit back? Do I trust and hope I'm treated with respect and gentleness? Or do I expect the worst, which is what I've gotten in the past?

Yeah, the cats and I are in much the same pickle.
Been a busy weekend. Work is piling up to the point I don't have a choice but to put in overtime. Acrobat was added to my plate on top of already having a full workload. The things I need to get done for Project and Visio have to wait until I get done with the Acrobat stuff.

I'll be taking over more of the Acrobat stuff come Tuesday. My boss met with with the VP of risk management about Acrobat and how poorly its been handled. Acrobat will be taken away from the person who has been handling it on Monday. Tuesday we need to come up with a new communications plan, communicate to all the people I've previously worked with and do this the right way.

The person and his boss who flubbed it up will be unhappy about it. The boss FUBAR'd the Vista rollout, so I'm not surprised this went belly up.

So, yeah, I'll take the overtime. Ten hours last week, I've already put in 7 so far between yesterday and today, and I know it will be long hours this week. How long will I have to keep this up? Not sure. Depends on how swamped I get, how far behind I am.
At the moment I should be working, however I keep getting kicked off the VPN. I'll give it another 10-15 minutes and try it again. Too much to do to be goofing off.

The money can go towards a trip to Boston with my oldest niece. Thankfully AB and Tabby aren't on a schedule like Shadow was, so I don't have to worry about being home at a specific time to feed them.
Self defense class is going well. Got the instructor to myself again yesterday. I really need to work on my footwork and coordinating my hands with my hip rotations.

Got to talking with one of the guys at work that I know is into martial arts. I was about ready to pound the joker mentioned above, so I went to talk with this guy. Since he teaches tae kwon do, he knows his self defense. I was telling him about my class, had him look up the website. He likes how Sifu is teaching, and I may even be able to talk him into coming in for a class sometime. (Just listening to those two talk theory would be an education in and of itself. Watching them spar - that I would want to videotape so I could go back pick up what happened.)

He really encouraged me to ask questions. He's thinking that by asking questions, I show I'm interested. Being at every class on time, etc, shows Sifu I'm serious, so I'll start getting the little extra pointers. That I can do. I'll also pick his brain every chance I get.

Then it occurred to me - I'm a certified therapeutic coach, why not do a deep trance identification on both Sifu and my co-worker. Pull in the years of skills they have, the muscle memory, the theory and practice. Pull those into my being, then integrate them so I can make use of what they know and do.

One more thing to add to the to do list.

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