Maybe I should go to bed early tonight. I'm just about a walking zombie anyways.
Been tired the last couple days. I'm chalking it up to the heat - it wipes me out. Throw in kettlebells and yeah, I'm done.
We're finally in a hot streak, days above 80 degrees all week. Yes, it's nice, but I could do without sweating all the way home from work. Even in this heat, I still wear full jacket, helmet and gloves when I ride Chael. I can recover from dehydration a whole lot faster than I can road rash or worse.
Got a good giggle at work today. My work computer has been having some issues (it's a PC, whadda ya expect?), so the guys in the department have been trying to re-image it. I had gone to do something, came back to my desk and the re-image expert was there along with two of the other guys. As I walked up, one guy who I know rides quipped to me, "Well, Beth rides." Reimage dude looks at me, so I pipe up, 750 Shadow.
I'd walked into the middle of a conversation about why reimage dude doesn't ride his motorcycle to work. Several astounded looks went around the group when I went on that I rode my bike because it gets 50 mpg while my truck gets 12. They ribbed me about getting a different vehicle, I told them I'd love to, just can't do it right now.
I'm still giggling about it. I've been waiting for one of them who has seen me get on or off the bike to make a comment about me riding. Didn't expect to be used as a way to get at someone for not riding theirs.
It reminded me of when I was at Home Depot. When I first started riding, I was going in at 7 am, so I'd walk right through the contractor crowds at registers 1 & 2. I'd purposefully wait to pull off my helmet until I got inside the big doors. The contractors in line would usually drop their jaws to see a woman come in with motorcycle gear. I was the only woman that rode at that store.
As for kettlebells, I did go to the second class. We dropped from 13 to 10. That's OK, that leaves a few more of the lighter weight bells available. We did swings, one arm presses, trying to do push ups on the bells. Give me a flat pair of dumbbells and I can do a plank and a bit of a push up, but forget the bear crawls.
I'm not near as sore as I was last week. When I got home last night I dove right into the shower with as hot water as I could stand, then stretched as I went. When I got out, lots of water and a protein shake.
Not much doing otherwise.
Making do...
10 years ago
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