Start with
Kooza this time.
Kooza was pretty cool. It's been at least 30 years since I've been to a circus, so this was a treat.
The story line is about a little boy out trying to fly his kite on a windy day. While out, he receives a big box. The box contains a magical jack-in-the-box and his magical wand. From there all sorts of things happen. There's the classic circus acts, like jugglers, a couple magic acts, a pick pocket and hauling up audience members for different gags. There was a double high wire act, a gal on a high swing, a trio of contortionists, acrobats using a seesaw.
There were two acts that left me shaking my head. One was the last act, a gymnast that was stacking chairs then balancing on them. The guy had amazing control - his body many times was at odd angles to his arms that would throw a normal person's center of balance off completely. Not once did he waver, the tower never moved. He moved slowly, perfectly in balance no matter what he did.
Another act that had me calculating physics as fast as I could in my head was the Wheel of Death. Click on the link above to see the contraption. What the guys were doing on the inside and outside of the wheels made my heart stop a couple times.
It was cool. I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
As for kettlebells, I had to go see Dr. R today. He agreed that I need to do something to tear down the muscles in order to build them back up. He was surprised that I went right straight to kettlebells, but he understands where I am coming from.
As I suspected, my hips and low back were out of whack, despite seeing Dr. M just a week ago. Out came the stim pads and heat pack to get the muscles loosened up. I had him work on my left foot, which he thinks is really stiff, which is what causes it to hurt in a particular spot. Then he started working on my hands, commenting that my fingers are starting to tighten up like my pinky fingers that I can't flatten out.
I will be seeing much more of Dr. R. I am so sick of seeing of Dr. M and his mind games. I much prefer Dr. R's straight forward approach.
It's been raining today. We need it, as here in the cities we're in a pretty good drought. Sounds like we got at least 3/4". It's a small dent in the bucket.
Shadow continues to be a klingon kitty. She was not pleased with me getting home at almost midnight last night. I got chewed out for not feeding her and not being around to cuddle with. Right now she's tucked herself into my left side in the recliner.
It's not that she wants my direct attention, she just wants to be near or on me in some way. If I purposefully pet her, she gets growly and hissy. If I leave her alone, she naps or just hangs out, quietly purring as if she doesn't want me to hear her purring.
Silly furball. This morning, since I slept in, she wanted to go up on the clothing armoire I have. When she was younger she could leap up there by herself from the dresser. Now, not a chance, so I have to lift her up there. She sits on the bed and meows at me until I do so. So I put her up there about 8 this morning. She was sound asleep when I left for Dr. R's, so I just left her up there. She was still sound out when I got home 2 1/2 hours later. At that point I pulled her down, much to her despisement.
So now I've got plenty of work to do tomorrow. Play catchup from today, make a run to the farmer's market for organic beef, maybe go to the art fair or go see a movie.
For tonight, Shad and I will cuddle and watch Eureka.